CMS Announces the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services Reorganization Related to the Managed Care Delivery System


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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is committed to ensuring its organizational structure meets the needs of the people it serves. In alignment with this goal, CMS’ Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) is pleased to announce a reorganizational change.  CMCS is establishing a new group, called the Managed Care Group (MCG).  Two divisions from existing groups (the Division of Managed Care Policy (DMCP) in the Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group (DEHPG), and the Division of Managed Care Operations (DMCO) in Medicaid and CHIP Operations Group (MCOG)) will move into MCG.  In addition, the reorganization established a fourth branch in DMCO, and renames DEHPG to the Medicaid Benefits and Health Programs Group (MBHPG).

Given the high number of people with Medicaid enrolled in managed care, and the volume of expenditures within this health care delivery system MCG will be well positioned to better serve the over 93 million people who are currently enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP, 70% of whom receive their care through a Medicaid managed care delivery system. The joining of policy and operations under one Group will foster a more collaborative and seamless experience for our beneficiary, provider, state, and other stakeholder partners, while advancing the mission of the Medicaid program. This integration will also better support our managed care monitoring and oversight efforts.

Please visit the federal register for more information.