CMS Releases 2022 Access Request for Information Report and Supporting Documents


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Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a report and supporting appendices summarizing the public comments it received in response to the 2022 Request for Information (RFI): Access to Coverage and Care in Medicaid & CHIP. CMS framed the RFI questions across three dimensions of health care access: (1) enrolling in coverage, (2) maintaining coverage, and (3) accessing services and supports. The report includes counts of comments and types of respondents, summaries of common themes within and across objectives, and cross-cutting findings. Using regulations, guidance, and other tools such as the findings from the 2022 Access RFI, CMS is developing a multifaceted approach to help ensure equitable access to health care for people that are eligible and enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP across all care delivery systems.

See the full report, summary, and appendices here: