November 11th, 2022
Washington's 133rd Anniversary of Statehood
Explore Census Bureau data about Washington as we celebrate its anniversary of statehood. Learn more about the state using 2020 Census data, geographic profiles from data.census.gov, and other interactive data tools.
Washington's population grew by almost 1 million since 2010.
The results of the 2020 Census show that:
- The total population of Washington was 7,705,281 – an increase of 14.6% from 2010
1,059,213 or 13.7% of people in Washington reported Hispanic or Latino origin – an increase of 40.1% from 2010
Washington is the 20th largest state by area and was the 42nd state to join the Union. Learn more about the geography and history of Washington.
🔎 Did You Know?
🌸 The state flower is the Coast Rhododendron
🌲 The state nickname is the Evergreen State
🌃 The largest city is Seattle
Explore our State Facts for Students tool to learn more about Washington and test your knowledge of Census Bureau data with interactive trivia games from the Statistics in Schools team.
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About the Census Bureau
We serve as the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. The Census Bureau is the federal government's largest statistical agency. As the world’s premier statistical agency, we are dedicated to making our nation a better place. Policy-makers, businesses, and the public use our data to make informed decisions.