Celebrate Native American and Alaska Native Heritage, Thanksgiving, and More With Statistics in Schools!


Statistics in Schools brings subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau data to create materials for use year after year at all grade levels.

Celebrate Native American and Alaska Native Heritage, Thanksgiving, and More With Statistics in Schools!

This month celebrate Native American and Alaska Native (AIAN) heritage and other special occasions from National STEM Day to Thanksgiving with our Statistics in Schools (SIS) activities. Use our classroom resources to help students explore Census Bureau data to discover things like the median age of the AIAN population, STEM-worker earnings, the states that raise the most turkeys, and more.

Celebrate American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month With Fun Facts!

American Indian and Alaska Native Fun Facts

Did you know there were about 26,000 AIAN businesses in the United States in 2019? Our American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month Fun Facts handout includes this and other interesting facts about the AIAN population, like the number of federally recognized Indian tribes and the percentage of the AIAN population 25 years and over who had a bachelor’s degree. Our free teaching guide includes cool activities you can do with students of all grade levels. For example, check out if there are any reservations in your state using the Census Bureau’s My Tribal Area tool or discuss bar charts about AIAN educational attainment.

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National STEM Day – Help Kids Advance with Statistics

College to STEM

Did you know approximately 72 percent of men and 28 percent of women with a bachelor’s degree or higher in the United States worked in STEM-related occupations in 2019? STEM programs help students develop strong science, technology, engineering, and mathematic skills. Share our fun and engaging warm-up activity, From College to Jobs: Pathways in STEM, with students who will use an interactive data visualization tool to analyze demographic characteristics and educational attainment of STEM-related and non-STEM workers.

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STEM Kahoot! Game

Students can also play our new Kahoot! game designed to help them learn about different STEM careers as they think about their future after high school. Students will learn cool stuff like the number of people in the U.S. working in STEM jobs, the median earnings of those in STEM professions, and more.

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Feast Your Eyes on Thanksgiving Statistics!

Thanksgiving Fun Facts

What state raised 37.5 million turkeys in 2022? Find out in our Thanksgiving Fun Facts handout, which also includes more cool facts like places with turkey or cranberry in their names and the number of U.S. grocery stores and markets selling favorite foods for the big feast. Check out our free teaching guide for activity ideas you can do with students. For instance, you can have them write about what they imagine the first Thanksgiving looked like or have them analyze holiday advertisements to see how holiday marketing has changed in their lifetime.

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About Statistics in Schools

We provide more than 200 activities and resources for teaching and learning with real-life data. Enhance and invigorate learning in many subjects while educating your students about the value and everyday use of statistics. Visit census.gov/schools to learn more and explore standards-aligned, classroom ready activities.