🏈 Are You Ready for the Big Game? 🏆

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🏈 Are You Ready for the Big Game? 🏆

The 56th competition to crown a new football champion will feature teams hailing from California and Ohio. Did you know this game also features players from 28 different states and two countries?

Big Game Census 2022 interactive data visualization

The Big Game Census interactive visualization takes a closer look at the players’ place of birth and gives you access to U.S. Census Bureau data points for those places.

If you have not decided which team you are pulling for this Sunday, maybe you’ll find a connection to your state, college, or your hometown that will help you decide.

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Gray Divider

Explore Census Data for Your State

United States of America Profile
United States of America Profile Stats

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Did You Know?

  • When you visit data.census.gov you can type your state's name in the search box to access your state's profile page.
  • The United States has a total area of 3,809,525 square miles, encompassing 3,532,316 square miles of land and 277,209 square miles of water, placing it among the five largest nations in terms of area.
  • The nation's population increased by 7.4% from 2010-2020. 

State-by-State Visualizations of Key Demographic Trends From the 2020 Census

America Counts State Profiles

Check out our America Counts state profile pages. See how your state compares to the nation overall and to neighboring counties and states. Through interactive state and county maps for the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, each page provides a snapshot of change from 2010 to 2020 on five topics.

2020 Census Results

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America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers

Hot dogs, chips, dip, and other snacks.

The Business of Manufacturing Snack Foods Before the “Big Game”

When our thoughts turn to the “Big Game” or the championship game of the National Football League, we think food — especially of the snack variety.

Whether we gather around a big-screen TV at home or enjoy a pre-game tailgate party in the stadium’s parking lot, it’s all about the food: chips, popcorn, pretzels, dip, crackers and the like are “Big Game” staples.

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About the Census Bureau

We serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. The Census Bureau is the federal government's largest statistical agency. As the world's premier statistical agency, we are dedicated to making our nation a better place. Policy-makers, businesses, and the public use our data to make informed decisions.