Census Bureau Moves Up Release of Demonstration Data to Coincide with August Redistricting Data Release; Announces New Prerelease Webinar

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Census Bureau Moves Up Release of Demonstration Data to Coincide with August Redistricting Data Release; New Prerelease Webinar

In response to stakeholder input about the value of earlier access to demonstration data that feature the 2020 Census Disclosure Avoidance System’s chosen production settings, the Census Bureau is moving up the release date for the demonstration data to coincide with the release (by August 16) of the legacy-formatted redistricting data. We’ll announce the specific release date in the coming weeks.

The Census Bureau released metrics for the chosen production settings July 1 (see newsletter). We understand, based on your feedback, that access to the demonstration data coincident to the initial redistricting data release will help you better understand how we applied the disclosure avoidance system.

This will be the sixth and final set of Privacy-Protected Microdata Files (PPMFs), as the demonstration data are called, in preparation for the 2020 Census (P.L. 94-171) redistricting data release. It was originally scheduled for release prior to the publication of the redistricting data in user-friendly formats by the end of September. Note that as with our other recent PPMF releases, this file is limited to redistricting data only; it does not include data associated with the Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC) or other data products.

We will release the production code base for P.L. 94-171 redistricting summary data file and related technical papers in September as planned.

Save the Date: Prerelease Webinar on Friday, August 13

Join us for a webinar on Friday, August 13, to learn about the updated analysis of the reliability and fitness-for-use of the Disclosure Avoidance System for redistricting and Voting Rights Act enforcement using the chosen production settings. The previous analysis was based on the April 2021 demonstration data.

Aug 13
  • Date: Friday, August 13
  • Time: 2 p.m. ET
  • Dial In: 800-857-2848 (code: 8322176#)
  • Passcode: 
  • Webex Event Number (if needed): 199 950 4639
  • Link: Log In Details

Visit our webinar page for past recordings and transcripts in this series.

Webinar Series

DP Video Image

New Video! 

*New Spanish Version*

"Protecting Privacy in Census Bureau Statistics"


2021 Key Dates, Redistricting (P.L. 94-171) Data Product

By August 16:

  • Release 2020 Census P.L. 94-171 data in the format we’ve used in previous decades, sometimes referred to as the Legacy Format Summary File.*
  • Concurrently, release a new set of Privacy-Protected Microdata Files (PPMFs) that demonstrate the impact of the production version of the Disclosure Avoidance System using 2010 Census data. The PPMF only applies to redistricting data, not the Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC) or other 2020 Census data products.


  • Census Bureau releases production code base for P.L. 94-171 redistricting summary data file and related technical papers.

By September 30:         

  • Release 2020 Census P.L. 94-171 data in a more user-friendly format** and Differential Privacy Handbook.

*   Released via Census Bureau FTP site.

** Released via data.census.gov.

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About Disclosure Avoidance Modernization

The Census Bureau is protecting 2020 Census data products with a powerful new cryptography-based disclosure avoidance system known as “differential privacy.” We are committed to producing 2020 Census data products that are of the same high quality you've come to expect while protecting respondent confidentiality from emerging privacy threats in today's digital world. 


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