Now Available: New DAS Demonstration Data File

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Now Available:

New DAS Demonstration Data File

Privacy in red letters


A new demonstration data file reflecting the May 27, 2020, updates to the 2020 Disclosure Avoidance System (DAS) is now online.

Data users now have three ways to evaluate ongoing DAS development updates since the release of the first demonstration data file in October 2019:

  • Detailed Summary Metrics: These topline metrics measure improvements in the iterative design of the DAS. Note that based on your feedback, we will be sharing updated metrics in the near future.
  • Privacy-Protected Microdata File (PPMF): This is the underlying, untabulated microdata file for the entire nation used to generate the Detailed Summary Metrics. Please note that while the data in the PPMF look like individual records, all of the data are privacy-protected and do not include any actual census responses.
  • New Demonstration Data File: This is the PPMF in a user-friendly table format produced by members of the Committee on National Statistics’ (CNSTAT) expert group. We are grateful to the CNSTAT expert group members from the University of Minnesota’s IPUMS National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) for creating this file, allowing a faster turnaround than would otherwise have been possible in-house at the Census Bureau. The new PPMFs and Demonstration Data Files are both a direct response to your requests for more flexible DAS evaluation tools.

As a reminder: All files (Detailed Summary Metrics, PPMF, and new demonstration data) are based on the same national run of the 2020 DAS using the 2010 Census data following the March DAS development sprint. These products all have the vintage tag 2020-05-27, which is the publication date of the Detailed Summary Metrics.

The most notable change from that sprint affects how the DAS TopDown Algorithm (TDA) converts the noisy measurements taken from the confidential data into the counts that will be tabulated and published, an operation that we call “postprocessing.” (See the recent blog on this topic.)

We’ll be releasing updated files on an ongoing basis with each significant DAS development. As we did this time, we will refer to these updates by the release date of the associated Detailed Summary Metrics file (in this case, the May 27 release, notated as “2020-05-27”). You can access these via the “Progress Metrics and Data Runs” page.

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About Disclosure Avoidance Modernization

The Census Bureau is protecting 2020 Census data products with a powerful new cryptography-based disclosure avoidance system known as “differential privacy.”  We are committed to producing 2020 Census data products that are of the same high quality you've come to expect while protecting respondent confidentiality from emerging privacy threats in today's digital world. 


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