At-Home Summer Learning With Statistics in Schools!

United States Census 2020
Statistics In Schools

Classrooms Powered by Census Data

Statistics in Schools brings school subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau data to create materials for use year after year at all grade levels.

At-Home Summer Learning With Statistics in Schools!

It’s backyard barbecue time! Encourage summer learning with Statistics in Schools activities and resources. We offer great materials that will keep children engaged and are easy to adapt for at-home learning. Check out our Fourth of July Fun Facts and featured activity for this month.


Fourth of July Fun Facts and Teaching Guide

Fourth of July

There were 13 colonies at the beginning of our nation’s independence on July 4, 1776. What was the population of those colonies then compared to the population now?
Find out the answer and more interesting data with our Fourth of July Fun Facts. Use the accompanying teaching guide for a list of ideas on how to use the fact sheet. Choose activities best suited to engage with your children of any grade level.

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Featured Activity: How the Census Impacts My Community.

How the Census Impacts My Community activity

There is still time to respond to the 2020 Census. This summer encourage your children to learn how census results impact their community with our high school activity: How the Census Impacts My Community. This activity focuses on how the decennial census benefits children, their families, and communities highlighting why participation is important. Parents, caregivers, and teachers can use this worksheet at home or for distance learning as a starting point or introduction to the 2020 Census.

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World Population Day—July 11

Population Bracketology Game

The United States is the third most populous country in the world. India is the second, while China is the first. In celebration of World Population Day, test your knowledge of U.S. population data and play the Population Bracketology Game. See how close you can come to a perfect score of 63. For more fun, look at the Census Bureau’s World Pop Clock to see where the 10 most populous countries rank

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Statistics In Schools

About Statistics in Schools

We provide more than 100 activities that you can use to enhance and invigorate learning in many subjects. New activities, designed specifically for the 2019-2020 school year, spotlight the 2020 Census and the importance of making sure everyone is counted, especially children.