Join Us for a 2020 Census Digital Action Weekend!

United States Census 2020

Join Us for a 2020 Census Digital Weekend of Action!

Spread the Word About the 2020 Census

The U.S. Census Bureau invites all 2020 Census partners, influencers, community leaders and trusted voices to join us for a Digital Weekend of Action this weekend, May 1-3. While current times are unprecedented, they also present an opportunity to reach people digitally across the nation.

Use your social media accounts starting today to help us spread the word: It’s not too late to respond to the 2020 Census. Once you've responded, encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to complete the census, too. Responding now will minimize the need for census takers to go out into communities to follow up.

*If you've already received details on our digital action weekend, please feel free to disregard this message.

How to Participate This Weekend

  • Post content on social media starting today through Sunday, May 1-3, to show your commitment to responding to the 2020 Census. Use your own customized content or grab graphics and sample posts from our Resource Guide.
  • Join the Census Counts campaign for a Twitter Town Hall today, May 1 at 1 pm ET.
  • Share and like posts from our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts with your stakeholders, friends and family for the most current information on 2020 Census operations.
  • Visit the 2020 Census Social Hub for customizable graphics to share.
  • Check out our Response Rate Map and Rankings Dashboard to see how your town is doing. The map is updated every afternoon to reflect the self-response rate of the country and each state, county, city, census tract, congressional district and tribal area. Use it to drive your outreach.
  • Use the hashtags #2020Census and #Censo2020 when posting on your social platforms.

Resource Guide


Reminder Postcards Arriving

This week through May 9, households that have not yet responded to the 2020 Census will receive another reminder postcard in the mail. The postcard is one reminder in a series of reminders that the Census Bureau has mailed to non-responding households since mid-March urging them to respond.

Households can respond online in English or 12 other languages or by phone. Households can also respond by mail using the paper questionnaire that was recently mailed to every non-responding address.

Help us spread the word about the 2020 Census. Share this on social media or forward it to a friend.

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About Census Partnerships

From corporations to policymakers, foundations and non-profits to software developers, the U.S. Census Bureau partners across sectors and industries to help America work better through data. Together we harness the power of our data, support each other’s missions, and co-create solutions to increase data use and participation in Census Bureau surveys and programs, including the 2020 Census. Connect with the Census Partnerships Team at to learn more.