President’s Malaria Initiative Newsletter – July 2016

presidents malaria initiative fighting malaria and saving lives
Mwajuma Ally Mandingo, 27, with her daughter Saidat, 9 months old, hangs a bed net in her house in Mtwara, Tanzania.

PMI July 2016 E-Newsletter


Country in Focus: Tanzania

View the new Country in Focus page, which now features Tanzania. With the scale-up of malaria prevention and treatment interventions, dramatic progress in malaria control has been made throughout the country. While Mainland Tanzania continues to focus on malaria control, decreasing malaria prevalence prompted Zanzibar to adopt a new strategy, which focuses on achieving pre-elimination by 2018. 


Leveraging Markets for Global Health

Innovations are critical to help the international development community achieve goals in the fight against malaria, HIV, and other global health challenges. But inventing new products is not enough. Efficient markets need to motivate suppliers to manufacture, wholesalers to distribute, and retailers to sell.


Feasibility and Effectiveness of mHealth for Mobilizing Households for Indoor Residual Spraying to Prevent Malaria: A Case Study in Mali

Multi-Country Comparison of Delivery Strategies for Mass Campaigns to Achieve Universal Coverage with Insecticide-Treated Nets: What Works Best?

Short Persistence of Bendiocarb Sprayed on Pervious Walls and Its Implication for the Indoor Residual Spray Program in Ethiopia

Country Activities

Improving the Quality of Testing and Treating Malaria in Tanzania

Up to 40% of all people reported to have malaria in Tanzania did not receive a confirmatory diagnostic test. Recognizing the importance of accurate diagnosis, Tanzania is striving to ensure that all suspected malaria cases are tested using a RDT or microscopy and then treated appropriately.

Ghana Launches Campaign to Deliver Insecticide-Treated Nets to Schoolchildren

In May, the Ghana Education Service launched a country-wide campaign to distribute ITNs to 1.2 million children in over 14,000 public and private primary schools in the Volta, Eastern, Central, Western, Ashanti, and Brong Ahafo regions of the country.

PMI AIRS Malaria Fighter: Dr. Ndombour Cisse

Dr. Ndombour Gning Cisse began working on the PMI AIRS Project in Senegal in 2011 as a spray operations coordinator. A few years later she was promoted to Operations Manager and now leads the management of spray operations in target districts, working with the National Malaria Control Program. In 2015, she took on the additional role of AIRS Senegal’s Gender Focal Person. 


New Resources

Malawi Impact Evaluation Report [PDF, 4.2MB] and annexes [PDF, 3.8MB]
PMI Entomological Reports are now available for Ghana [PDF, 2587KB], Liberia [PDF, 507KB], Mali [PDF, 1544KB], Nigeria [PDF, 1053KB], and Zimbabwe [PDF, 871KB].
Click here to browse through more recent reports and publications by technical area.

Click here to see most recently updated Funding Tables for Malaria Operational Plans


© 2016 Riccardo Gangale/VectorWorks, Courtesy of Photoshare

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