Monthly newsletter for North Worcestershire businesses

NWedR supports and promotes economic development and regeneration across North Worcestershire

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Bromsgrove cultural hub

Regenerating Bromsgrove – commercial and cultural hub update

Bromsgrove District Council with NWedR and partners held consultations in March to hear business and residents’ views on a new landmark development being proposed for Bromsgrove. The new buildings, that will sit on the former market hall site next to Waitrose seek to build on the success of the ‘BirdBox’ to provide a new vibrant location and hive of activity for the community, businesses, and act as a catalyst for wider regeneration in the High Street.

This consultation has now closed. The next stage of the proposal is a planning application which will be considered this summer.

This regeneration project is being funded through the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.

Read the story.

Redditch virtual reality event

Regenerating Redditch – community hub and plaza redevelopment update

The development of a Community Hub would see multiple services working together at a transformed Redditch Town Hall. It would be the place to go for NHS community mental health services and children’s services, and community rooms, and subject to contract, Citizens Advice and Cranstoun substance abuse support services too, as well as being the Borough Council’s main customer service centre and head office.

Redditch Borough Council has also invited Redditch Library to be one of the services.

Redditch Library is a Worcestershire County Council service, and so the county council will decide whether to move into the Hub or not. The county council ran the public consultation on that idea and will vote on the move in due course.

If the county council does move the library into the Hub, then the current library site could be redeveloped into a new shopping and leisure plaza, designed to improve the connection between Redditch’s indoor Kingfisher Shopping Centre and the rest of the town centre, and create new opportunities for businesses and shoppers.

The plaza proposal is part of a range of town centre regeneration plans proposed by the Redditch Town Deal Board, a board comprised of residents, county and borough councils, the MP, local enterprise partnership representatives, local business leaders, and many others. The Redditch Town Deal Board has already secured over £4million in government 'Towns Deal' funding for the plaza, if it is able to proceed.

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Regnerating Kidderminster header

Regenerating Kidderminster - Worcester Street update

The clearance and site preparation work on Worcester Street in Kidderminster town centre is nearly completed.  Work inside the former Woolworths, Littlewoods, Edinburgh Wool Shop, Adams, Poundland and Sigma Building has progressed well and is due to complete at the end of April 2023.

Construction contractors DSM will then formally hand the site back to Wyre Forest District Council through NWedR so the next phase of the regeneration of Worcester Street can be planned and co-ordinated.

This regeneration project is being funded through the Government’s Future High Streets Fund.

For more information on the regeneration of Kidderminster visit the NWedR website.

creative Hub

Regenerating Kidderminster – work started on new Creative Hub

Work has started on site at the former Magistrates Court in Kidderminster to transform it into a new Creative Hub.

The new Creative Hub will provide contemporary multi-functional arts and cultural development space, co-working and research space. It also includes a complete renovation and re-development of the public area on Worcester Street – Coronation Gardens - and the Worcester Cross.

International multi-disciplinary property and construction company, BAM, has been appointed to deliver the construction and engineering work which will bring the former Magistrates Court back into use.

Read more.

2023 apprenticeship awards

Worcestershire's apprenticeship awards 2023 open for entries

Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Worcestershire County Council have announced that the popular apprenticeship celebration event, the Worcestershire Apprenticeships Awards are returning in 2023.

2023 will mark the ninth year of the annual awards with the awards evening returning to the West Midland Safari Park in November. 

Entries to the awards have now opened with apprentices, employers, schools and training providers in Worcestershire being encouraged to submit their entries or nominations via the online nomination process, before the 14 July deadline.

Celebrate the impact of someone you know in apprenticeships and submit entries or nominations for the Awards before the 14 July deadline, by visiting the Worcestershire Apprenticeships webpage.

Visit here

apprenticeship clinics

Employers – do you want to know more about apprenticeships?

Find out more about apprenticeships, funding and business support at two local apprenticeship clinics:

North Worcestershire SME Clinic, Avoncroft Museum of Historic Buildings, Stoke Heath, Bromsgrove, B60 4JR on Thursday 20 April 8am to 10am, free breakfast buffet included.                         

South Worcestershire SME Clinic, The Swan at Whittington, Old Road, Whittington, Worcester WR5 2RL Thursday 20 April 12pm to 2pm, free buffet lunch included.


Find out more

business meeting one to one

Career development for business leaders

Business leaders across North Worcestershire are invited to take advantage of the 90% government-funded Help to Grow: Management Course. Designed by entrepreneurs and industry experts from the UK’s leading business schools, the course helps leaders and senior managers from SMEs in every industry to boost leadership skills as well as business performance and resilience.

To be eligible for the course, your business must employ between 5 and 249 people, and have been operational for at least a year. SMEs employing 10 or more people can enrol 2 senior managers on the course.

The course is delivered by multiple Small Business Charter accredited business schools within the West Midlands. More information, including course dates and testimonials from course participants, is available from the website.

low carbon

Free sustainability webinar for businesses

With the recent rise in energy bills and pending changes in Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, now is the time to take control of your energy usage.

Worcestershire County Council have teamed up with Alex Pearson from the Midlands Net Zero Hub to help you on this journey.

The online event is set to take place on Thursday 20 April between 10am – 11am, during which Alex will discuss how to spot and reduce energy waste and meet Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards in a cost-effective way. At the end of Alex’s session there will be a 25-minute Q&A.

Register here.

have your say

Help shape the future skills support for businesses

Worcestershire organisations are being invited to share their thoughts and feedback in the Local Skills Improvement Plans to help shape the skills and recruitment support available for businesses.

What is an LSIP? The Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) are a DfE funded project to give local areas the flexibility to innovate and tailor approaches to skills to better match business needs. LSIPs bring together employers, education and training providers, and other local stakeholders to set out key priorities and changes needed in the area to ensure post-16 technical education and training prepares employees better for work. Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce is delivering the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIPs) for the county of Worcestershire.

Why is this important? For years employers have been asking for more input into skills provision – to better equip people for the workplace.  This is the opportunity employers have been waiting for. There are a few short months to gather intelligence from businesses within Worcestershire about the skills and behaviours they will need from employees over the next 5 years to help them ensure growth.

If you are a business owner / employer – this is an opportunity to be heard and to make a positive difference to the future economy of the county.

How can you get involved? To take part in the Local Skills Improvement Plan survey, please follow this link.

green technology

Make net zero a reality with free advisory support

Worcestershire County Council has announced further support is available for businesses to access free specialist decarbonisation advice and individual assessments. The Decarbonisation Reviews will help eligible businesses identify where existing energy consumption can be reduced and energy efficiency improved. In addition to the advice, businesses will gain access to Worcestershire’s Decarbonisation Portal, which enables businesses to measure their carbon footprint and generate clear, long-term decarbonisation plans. Find out more or email

Matt Parsons

Surf Tech IT acquires Citrus Computing

Stourport based IT company, Surf Tech, has added Citrus Computing to its family. Enhancing its 25% organic growth year-on-year, the acquisition will further strengthen Surf Tech’s presence in the region whilst providing a safe home for Citrus clients.

Breda Hadley established Bewdley-based Citrus Computing in 2011. It soon grew to become a trusted IT provider in the area for small and mid-sized businesses. As an accredited Sage Business Partner, Citrus will add complementary value to Surf Tech’s wide range of IT services.

Matthew Parsons, Managing Director of Surf Tech IT said “We’re delighted to bring Citrus Computing into the Surf Tech fold. It really made sense given our similar business characters and geographic synergy”.

Read more

low carbon

Tap into the Sustainability Hub from GBSLEP

Are you a small business who wants to understand your carbon footprint? Would you like to see where you can strategically invest in your business to be more sustainable? Do you want to explore how you can innovate to tap into new low carbon commercial opportunities?

If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, or simply want to see what is on offer from the GBSLEP Sustainability Hub, visit the Hub and see the support programmes on offer.

Any SME registered for business within the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP can receive 1-to-1 advice from a Growth Hub Adviser. Any business with between 11 and 249 employees registered for business within the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP geography can access our Clean Growth support programmes.

Find out more


Staying Connected

The NWedR team delivers support and services to businesses across North Worcestershire. Email us on Call us on 0845 6015953 or visit our NWedR website to read our news and sign up for our weekly newsletters for North Worcestershire businesses. Connect with your local council on social media Bromsgrove DC Twitter, Facebook, Redditch BC Twitter, Facebook, Wyre Forest DC Twitter, Facebook. NWedR social connections are shown at the top of this newsletter.

For regional Worcestershire business advice, grants and support go to Worcestershire Business Central or The Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP Growth Hub. In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, a full range of business support is available to UK businesses and employees.  See the latest updates from Government. The business support helpline is 0300 456 3565 - available Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.