Weekly newsletter for North Worcestershire businesses

NWedR supports and promotes economic development and regeneration across North Worcestershire

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Show of hands

Happy New Year from NWedR

From everyone in the NWedR team, we wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021.

The NWedR team delivers support and services to businesses across North Worcestershire. Email us on info@nwedr.org.uk Call us on 0845 6015953 or visit our NWedR website to read our news and sign up for our weekly newsletters for North Worcestershire businesses.

For regional Worcestershire business advice, grants and support go to Worcestershire Business Central or The Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP Growth Hub. In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, a full range of business support is available to UK businesses and employees.  See the latest updates from Government. The business support helpline is 0300 456 3565 - available Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.

stay home save lives

National lockdown announced

On Monday 4 January, The Prime Minister addressed the nation to announce a national lockdown and instruct people to stay at home to control the virus, protect the NHS and save lives.

It was confirmed that all primary schools, secondary schools and colleges would move to remote learning from 5 January, except for the children of key workers and vulnerable children. Early years settings such as nurseries, alternative provision and special schools will remain open and vulnerable children and children of critical workers can continue to use registered childcare, childminders and other childcare activities.

Find out more


Business support overview

Overview of grants and business support

NWedR has collated information on the current grants and support available to North Worcestershire businesses. This, ‘at a glance’ summary has been designed to provide a quick overview for business leaders across the area.  This will be updated regularly and displayed on the front page of our website.


Read the summary

Online grants

New Lockdown Grants

Following this week’s announcement of a further national lockdown, the government has pledged a further £46 billion to support businesses and protect jobs.  We will publish further information as it becomes available to us – in this newsletter and via our social channels.


Furlough and Loan Schemes Extended

The Chancellor has extended the furlough and loan schemes until the end of April 2021. You can find out more details on the Government’s website.


colleague with coronavirus

Employee showing signs of Coronavirus?

Do you know what to do if one of your colleagues has suspected Coronavirus?  See the updated government guidance for businesses and organisations on how to recognise, contain and report incidents of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Read the update


Great news for Kidderminster!

Wyre Forest District Council welcomed a massive Government investment of £20.5m to transform important regeneration sites within Kidderminster town centre.

The grant funding was announced in December as part of the Future High Streets Fund.

The bid for Kidderminster was shortlisted in July 2019 and is now one of only fifteen projects to receive confirmed full funding at this stage.

Read the story

Webinar laptop

Thinking of starting a new business?

Birmingham City University is offering a free series of 4 half-day workshops covering the essentials of leadership and marketing strategy for start-ups and new businesses.

The Enterprise for Success workshops starting in February are designed to support small or medium-sized business owners and to help you understand how to grow and develop in order to achieve your business goals, giving you a competitive advantage.

More information

peer to peer

Peer to Peer Networks

Peer Networks is a national peer-to-peer networking programme for SME leaders that want to grow and develop their organisation for future success. Delivered locally through either of our two Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Hubs, the objective is to create diverse cohort groups of individuals to collaboratively work through common business issues. Through interactive action learning, you will be able to discuss your own business challenges, gain and reflect on valuable feedback and implement practical solutions to overcome them.

Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP Growth Hub Peer to Peer Network Information

Worcestershire Business Central Peer to Peer Network information

mindlands engine

Midlands Engine Review 2020

Despite 2020 being a year of extraordinary challenges, thanks to the drive, passion and commitment of Midlands Engine partners there is much to be proud of.

Together we have driven forward key programmes such as digital and green growth which will directly help tackle key economic challenges – and accelerate growth of new opportunities. Read the review and Watch the video

here to help


Worcestershire County Council has created a website called Here2Help. This website provides users with information on what they can to do to stay safe and help others in their community. There are areas for how to manage your mental health during the pandemic  and a place to showcase how others are helping their communities during this tough time.

See Here to Help