Weekly newsletter for North Worcestershire businesses

NWedR supports and promotes economic development and regeneration across North Worcestershire

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Coronavirus business support

Business Support

The NWedR team continues to work remotely, delivering support and services to businesses across North Worcestershire. Email us on info@nwedr.org.uk Call us on 0845 6015953 or visit our NWedR website to read our news and sign up for our weekly newsletters for North Worcestershire businesses.

For wider Worcestershire business advice, grants and support go to Worcestershire Business Central or The Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP Growth Hub.

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, a full range of business support is available to UK businesses and employees.  See the latest updates from Government. The business support helpline is 0300 456 3565 - available Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm. 


Additional Restrictions Grant

The Government’s new Additional Restrictions Grant is a discretionary scheme designed to help businesses who are not eligible for the Local Restrictions Support Grant.

The scheme aims to help businesses which whilst not legally required to close, are severely impacted by COVID-19 restrictions - for example, businesses which supply stock to retail hospitality and leisure sectors. Like the Local Restrictions Support Grant, the level of grant businesses will receive is likely to be based on the rateable value of their premises.

The Additional Restrictions Grant scheme is currently being developed by Local Authorities and further details will be available shortly for Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest businesses. We will highlight the information in this newsletter when it is announced.

In the meantime, if you have any queries about the Additional Restrictions Grant please email info@nwedr.org.uk.

Online grants

Nearly £3 million paid to North Worcestershire Businesses

The Government has published data showing the amount of Discretionary Grant funding that councils have received and distributed to support small and medium businesses in England during the Coronavirus outbreak. In North Worcestershire a total of 313 businesses received grants. In Bromsgrove, £1,012,000 was paid to 77 businesses, in Redditch £724,000 was paid to 68 businesses and in Wyre Forest £1,119,000 went to 168 businesses in the period to 30 September 2020.

See the national data


Take action for transition

In preparation for the upcoming UK transition, the Government urging EU citizens to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).

Read the advice

Apply for EUSS

Redditch bandstand

Your input to the Redditch Town Investment Plan

Redditch currently has an opportunity to acquire significant government funding through the Towns Fund. This funding is intended to improve the town and make it a better place to live and work. To apply for this funding, Redditch Borough Council needs to put forward ideas for where funding could be invested to make a difference to residents and businesses.

This short survey, which only takes 5 minutes to complete, is an opportunity for people living and working in Redditch to give input about what matters to them.

Enter the survey

Kidderminster town centre survey

Have your say on Kidderminster town centre

We're urging you to share your views about Kidderminster as part of a major consultation to shape the town centre's future.

Town centres throughout the UK have and continue to experience the challenges of a societal shift in changing shopping habits as well as the influence of Covid-19.  This is an opportunity for anyone who lives, visits, works in or has a view about Kidderminster to have their say on how they think the town centre could be made into a better place over the next twenty years. The deadline for responses is Thursday 26 November at 5pm

Have your say

Have your say on budget survey

Have your say on WFDC budget proposals

Take 10 minutes to have your say on budget proposals from Wyre Forest District Council’s Cabinet. The plans include changing the way services are delivered, which may include working with other councils and the private sector. Among its other proposals are commissioning a business case on disposing of all or some parts of Wyre Forest House headquarters and moving local assets and services to town councils. The survey closes at midday on Thursday 10 December 2020.

Complete the survey

Beta-Den cohort 4

BetaDen launches applications for Cohort 4

BetaDen – Worcestershire’s commercial technology accelerator based at Malvern Hills Science Park - has opened applications for its fourth cohort of businesses. Early-stage technology businesses joining the nine-month accelerator in March 2021 will have access to a refreshed programme of support worth around £50,000.

Visit the BetaDen website for further information and must submit their application by Friday 18 December. Watch the video about the application process. 

Diverse business

Enterprising Worcestershire

The new Enterprising Worcestershire scheme has opened for applications.  Grants of £1,000 - £15,000 are available for SME businesses which have been trading less than 36 months.  The grants must be match funded and are only available to businesses which trade at least 70% business to business.  The first round of grants opened for applications on 4th November and closes on 27th November.

Find out more  

One Worcestershire

Be part of One Worcestershire


One Worcestershire is a family of public sector organisations and private sector companies striving towards many common goals: attracting success to Worcestershire, making it easier to do business in Worcestershire and showcasing what Worcestershire has to offer.  Join the ‘Worcestershire 1000’ at no cost and be part of this growing network of partners and businesses working together for the good of our wonderful county.

Sign up to become a member