Early Years and Childcare Special Newsletter
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Wednesday 14 February 2024
Today's weekly newsletter, number 7/2024, contained an article regarding eligibility to offer EYFE from April 2024. We have received some queries regarding childminders ability to offer the working families EYFE and the Local Authority (LA) issued Funded Entitlement. We have amended the article as follows to provide clarification with the new information in bold:
From April 2024, in line with the updated statutory guidance, West Sussex County Council will fund places for children eligible for the 2 year old LA issued Funded Entitlement (disadvantaged 2 year olds) at new providers who have yet to be inspected by Ofsted, alongside providers rated, Good or Outstanding, or equivalent ratings. In addition, all providers may offer 2 Year Old EYFE for Working Families as long as they are not rated Inadequate.
Childminders will now not be required to hold a level 3 qualification to offer EYFE for either Working Families or the LA issued Funded Entitlement, however we encourage working towards gaining a full and relevant level 3 qualification, if they do not already hold one.