Pass It On News: December 2023

Pass It On Newsletter - Safeguarding Adults Board

Issue 29 | December 2023

Welcome to the December edition of Pass It On News.

A bi-monthly newsletter bringing you the headlines and new policies, procedures and guidance from your West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board.

In this newsletter

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LAST CHANCE: Staff Briefing Sessions

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Throughout 2023 we have been running staff briefing sessions, providing an opportunity for all staff working across our partnership to join a brief session to learn about the work of our West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board.

This session includes information about how our work is relevant to your role, vital information about learning from our Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs), and the resources available to embed this learning and support your practice to be current.

There is just one session left to book this year. Book now via Eventbrite:

Please note that due to technical issues with the November session, we will be looking to hold an additional date in the new year. We will update you once the date has been confirmed.

PUBLISHED: Safeguarding Adult Review in respect of DJT

DJT was a 49 year old Polish man who throughout his life experienced a number of traumatic life events. These events included the loss of his son at 21 years old, a subsequent end to his marriage, and an incident at work which resulted in sight loss. These life events caused DJT to become dependent on alcohol, which led to him making ‘unwise’ choices and self-neglecting in areas including his personal hygiene, nutrition, and financial responsibility.

Our review has found six areas where improvements are required:

  • Person-centred care, including supporting adults with finances and medication
  • Trauma-informed approaches
  • Multi-agency working and coordination
  • Mental capacity, particularly for adults who are self-neglecting
  • Safeguarding thresholds and referrals
  • Consideration of fire safety measures/risk assessment

Key documents:

PUBLISHED: Trauma-Informed Approach

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Trauma-Informed care means being able to see beyond an adult’s presenting behaviours and to ask, ‘what has happened to you’ rather than ‘what is wrong with you?’. It involves recognising when someone may be affected by trauma, collaboratively adjusting how we work to take this into account, and responding in a way that supports recovery, does no harm, and recognises and supports people's resilience.

We have now published a learning briefing and podcast giving you more information about a trauma-informed approach to your practice.

Key documents:

Safeguarding Adults Week 2023

Newsletter Bulletins

We hope that you found our daily Safeguarding Adults Week bulletins informative, and that you were able to share them within your own organisations and networks. So that you can continue to refer to the bulletins, and to support your continual professional development, we have published the bulletins on our website.

So, if you missed out on accessing the daily bulletins during Safeguarding Adults Week, check them out on our website:

How the Multi-Agency Risk Management subgroup can help you

The Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM) subgroup considers cases of adults who remain at high risk of harm despite previous intervention efforts. The purpose of the subgroup is to provide multi-agency working support and to help professionals and their managers in managing the most challenging and concerning cases. 

If you are working with an adult with care and support needs, and feel that you could do with some advice and guidance to manage a high risk case, click the button below to take you to more information.

Click this button to find out more

Are you familiar with the Safeguarding Thresholds Guidance?

We hope that you are familiar with the Pan Sussex Safeguarding Thresholds Guidance, and that it's a useful document for you in your everyday practice. But, if you're not familiar with this document, or if you're new in post, read on for an overview of what the document is, and how it can help you in making decisions around safeguarding referrals.

The Thresholds Guidance is used across Sussex to support professionals, partners,
and providers to decide on whether to report a safeguarding concern for an adult with care
and support needs. It also helps differentiate between quality issues and safeguarding, and provides alternative actions that can be considered.

For each of the categories of abuse you can find examples of incidents that are non-reportable, require consultation, or reportable safeguarding concerns, as well as alternative actions to consider at every stage.

Please do access the most up-to-date version of the document below, and share this within your organisations.

Key documents:

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Coming soon

Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures website

We are continuing to work on developing the Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures. Within the next year, we anticipate that there will be changes to the current pan-Sussex website that hosts these procedures. We will ensure that partners are kept up-to-date on any changes that may affect them, both through direct email as appropriate, and in these bi-monthly newsletters.

Happy Christmas from the Board Support Team


The Board Support Team would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for all of your support over the last 12 months.

The Team will be away from the office during the Bank Holidays. We look forward to working with you all in January 2024.