Setting update 269 (Free entitlement summer term headcount payments; early years foundation stage profile information and guidance; EYFS regulatory changes consultation; Ofsted code of conduct; early years training; the Summer Reading Challenge)

Early Years and Childcare broadcast

The West Sussex approach puts the child first. We work with children, families, communities, our partners and schools in a restorative, strength based way. Strong relationships are at the heart of what we do.

Broadcast for Early Years and childcare providers in West Sussex from West Sussex County Council

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Wednesday 7 June 2023

Setting update 269 (Free entitlement summer term headcount payments; early years foundation stage profile information and guidance; EYFS regulatory changes consultation; Ofsted code of conduct; early years training; the Summer Reading Challenge)

Free Entitlement for 2, 3 and 4 year olds – Summer Term Headcount Payments

Please be advised that Summer term payments have been released for:

  • Free Entitlement actuals where there are no outstanding queries, and
  • Disability Access Fund (DAF) for all approved applications where evidence was provided.

Please note, payments can take three to five working days to show in your account.

The Online Provider Portal is now closed for Summer term submissions, but you can still log back in to view your payment summary. Please refer to the provider portal help and guidance and open the actuals help guide for step by step guidance at

If you have any queries please email  

Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles - information and guidance  

The Department for Education (DfE) requires all government funded Early Years settings to have completed the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) for eligible pupils and notify the Local Authority of the results by the 30 June 2023. Government funded Early Years settings are those in receipt of funding schemes such as 2, 3 and 4 year old Free Entitlement (FE).

The DfE requires EYFSP results data for all eligible children born from 1 April 2018 to 31 August 2018. However, it is important to remember the EYFSP only needs to be completed at the end of the child’s journey in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This means that if a child is continuing in the EYFS and starting Reception in September 2023 then you will not need to complete the EYFSP this year, this will be completed by the school. If however a child is going into Year 1 in September 2023, you will need to complete an EYFSP.

When completing or submitting your EYFSP, you may be asked for the following information:

If you need support in completing an EYFSP please email  

Launch of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) consultation - now live  

The Department for Education (DfE) has launched a consultation on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to offer providers increased flexibility while maintaining quality and safety standards. The consultation aims to:

  • gather feedback from providers and therefore put measures in place to alleviate known burdens, and
  • explore options to give providers more choice over how they operate, making it easier for them to deliver the EYFS.

The government hope to hear from as many people and organisations as possible, so they can gather a broad range of views to help them make well-informed decisions. It is their intention that these changes will support settings to deliver the new entitlements announced in the Spring Budget.

It is important to note, that this consultation builds on the measures consulted on in Summer 2022. The changes to 2 year old staff to child ratios and supervision whilst eating are due to come into force in September 2023, subject to parliamentary procedure. The DfE and Foundation Years are also planning some engagement events for stakeholders, so please look out for information about these in the weekly broadcast.

The deadline for the consultation is 26 July 2023 and can be found here.  

Ofsted Code of Conduct

The Ofsted code of conduct outlines the expectations of inspectors and providers during regulatory visits and is used in conjunction with the Early years inspection handbook for Ofsted-registered provision. Every Ofsted inspector and registered provider should work to guidance outlined in the code of conduct. This allows inspections to be carried out in a supportive and respectful way.

The code of conduct highlights that the primary purpose of inspection or regulation under its framework is to “bring about improvement in education provision for all learners of all ages in the care of children and young people.” The guidance aims to outline:

  • the expectations of inspectors, and
  • the expectations of providers.

It is important for you to have read and be familiar with the expectations of providers during an inspection. You should consider your conduct during an inspection as it may impact on the leadership and management judgment and/or affect a providers’ suitability to remain registered.

If you have a concern about the inspection process, how the inspection is being conducted or the judgements made please raise these with the inspector as soon as possible during the visit. You should try to resolve any concerns before the inspection is completed. However, if you feel unable to raise your concern directly with the inspector, you should follow Ofsted’s complaints procedure.  

Early Years Training

Ofsted – Are you ready? (Webinar) is aimed at practitioners who work directly with children and want to increase their confidence during Ofsted inspections. Managers are also welcome to attend.  It will support practitioners to understand what an Ofsted inspection means and what is expected of them during an inspection, giving them the tools to feel Ofsted ‘ready’.  The cost of this course is £27 per person, payment will be requested once the course is completed. The key word for this course is 'Ofsted'.  

  • Tuesday 13 June - 9:30am to 12:30pm

Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen, Boater, Cultural Awareness Training (Webinar) is specifically aimed at Early Years settings. The course aims to develop your knowledge of the term Traveller and deepen your understanding of Travellers' experience in education.

During this course you will:

  • explore common misconceptions,
  • have the opportunity to ask questions, and
  • share good practice with others to support children, young people and families from these communities.

This course is free to attend for up to three learners per setting. If you would like more staff to attend please email The key word for this course is 'Gypsy'.

  • Thursday 22 June - 1:30pm to 3:00pm

To book please log on to the Learning and Development Gateway and search for the course using the corresponding key word. If you have not accessed the previous Learning and Development Service within the last 12 months, you may need to create a new account.

The Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge aims to encourage reading throughout the summer holidays and is aimed at children aged 4-11. Local libraries will be taking part and offering a range of activities and challenges. The mini challenge, is particularly suitable for pre-school children and is a great way of introducing books and reading for pleasure to younger children.

As libraries will be offering lots of free activities throughout the holidays, it is a great opportunity for families to visit their local library this summer. For more information, see the attached article and please promote this challenge to families in your settings.

Upcoming key dates

  • 21 Jun - Portal opens for Autumn term Estimates
  • 07 Jul - Portal closes for Autumn Estimates
  • W/C 17 Jul - Autumn term estimates payments due
  • 31 Aug - Summer term Sufficiency deadline (all providers)
  • 04 Sep - Portal opens for Autumn term Actuals
  • 29 Sep - Portal closes for Autumn term Actuals
  • W/C 23 Oct - Autumn term Actuals payments due

Information, guidance and support

To allow our Early Years and Childcare Advisors to focus their support to where it is most needed, we ask that you check for information online before you contact us.

COVID-19 guidance

Other information and guidance (WSCC)

For help to access information

To request additional support for your setting

What to do if your setting needs to close

Please inform the Family Information Service if your setting needs to close or is re-opening. Email and include your setting name, Ofsted URN, the date you intend to close/open, and any changes to your operating hours. If you inform us of re-opening, you will be reinstated on the public list and appear on our website

If closing due to COVID-19, please consult the guidance to check when to inform Ofsted.

In the event of your setting having a confirmed COVID-19 case, if Public Health or the Department for Education have stated you must close for any period of time you must inform the Family Information Service. However, if Public Heath have not explicitly stated in correspondence to you that the setting must close, we would expect you to make contact with your Early Years and Childcare Adviser (EYCA) to talk through your circumstances, where possible, before making the decision to close the setting. If you are not able to make immediate contact with your EYCA then please email your nearest Early Help Hub using the following email addresses:

Where there are not clearly evidenced reasons why the setting had no option to close, there could be implications for funding received as per the government guidance. 

Links to our most recent setting updates

  • #268 (Safeguarding focus: updated safeguarding letter for parents; Adverse Childhood Experiences - free online learning; Learning and Development Gateway help guides; A Better Start webinar; National Week of Play; new training module - supporting physical development; food safety and sensory food education webinar)
  • #267 (Ofsted blog - child ratios; updated government guidance; immunisations campaign; EYFS networks; West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership professional zone; NSPCC - infant case reviews)       
  • #266 (Spring budget announcements and future planning; reducing parental conflict - new resources; Education and Learning strategy 2023 to 2025; safeguarding training - domestic abuse; SEND and inclusion newsletter; National Numeracy Day)
  • #265 (Reminder - new post headcount/exceptional payment form; FE administration fees and deposits; childminder grants scheme update; transition events; A Better Start research and articles; new Booktrust resource; National Week of Play 2023; infant mental health webinars)
  • #264 (Reminder and guidance - summer term FE actuals; FE ethnicity information; pre-school vaccinations; early years development programme - registration open; A Better Start child development research; Foundation Years online event; supporting grandparents webinar; Early Education festival; safeguarding training - domestic abuse)