Setting update 176 (EYC providers survey, LADO awareness raising workshops, fire safety training, new or returning staff in starting in September, safeguarding training dates for the autumn term)

Early Years and Childcare broadcast

The West Sussex approach puts the child first. We work with children, families, communities, our partners and schools in a restorative, strength based way. Strong relationships are at the heart of what we do.

Broadcast for Early Years and childcare providers in West Sussex from West Sussex County Council - Early Help Service

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Wednesday 11 August 2021

Setting update 176 (EYC providers survey, LADO awareness raising workshops, fire safety training, new or returning staff in starting in September, safeguarding training dates for the autumn term)

Early Years and Childcare Providers Survey

In Setting Update #170 (13 July) we shared that we are carrying out a survey with all providers (pre-schools, day nurseries, nursery classes/schools, breakfast clubs, out of school clubs and holiday playschemes).

This is to help identify the current strengths and challenges within the sector, and will allow us to identify the areas where we can focus our support, in order to make the biggest impact.

A huge thank you to those providers who have already taken the time to complete this.

This survey can be completed online and will remain open until 31 August 2021.

LADO awareness raising workshops

There are still spaces on the free LADO awareness raising workshops available to book via the Learning and Development gateway. The LADO is also available to offer bespoke workshops to settings and organisations, or attend team days/meetings. They are keen to ensure organisations know how to respond when an allegation is made against a professional or setting.

Donna Tomlinson and Miriam Williams are the West Sussex Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO), responsible for Allegations Management. The Role of the LADO is a  3-hour MS Teams webinar for anyone working with children and young people and will support you to explore the role of the LADO in relation to safeguarding children and young people when allegations are made against potentially unsuitable adults. To book, search for the event code on the Learning and Development Gateway.

Sessions currently available:

  • Friday 20 August 2021 - 9.30am to 12.30pm - LSCP 21/1188
  • Monday 28 September 2021 - 1.30pm to 4.30pm - LSCP 21/1189
  • Tuesday 19 October 2021 - 9.30am to 12.30pm - LSCP 21/1190
  • Wednesday 24 November 2021 to 1.30pm - 4.30pm -LSCP 21/1191
  • Thursday 16 December 2021 - 09.30am to 12.30pm -  LSCP 21/1192
  • Friday 21 January 2022 - 1.30pm  to 4.30pm - LSCP 22/064
  • Monday 21 February 2022 - 9.30am to 12.30pm - LSCP 22/065
  • Tuesday 22 March 2022 - 1.30pm to 4.30pm - LSCP 22/066

The role of LADO is set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 and is governed by the Local Authority's (LA's) duties under section 11 of the Children Act 2004 and requires that the LA has a LADO.

The LADO will be involved in the management and oversight of allegations of harm to children against people on a position of trust, providing advice and guidance to employers and voluntary organisations, liaising with the police and other agencies, and monitoring the progress of cases to ensure that they are dealt with as quickly as possible and consistent with a fair and thorough process. 

For further information please refer to West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership website, allegations management section which also has a link to the Pan Sussex Child Protection Procedures (s8.2 Position of Trust). To make a referral, or have a consultation with the LADO, please email or call the dedicated phone line during office hours 0330 222 6450.

Fire Safety training

Important fire safety training is available with West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service (WSFRS) for you and your employees at fire stations across the county.

Fire safety training is a legal requirement so, make sure you are up to date. Take a look at our available Open Course dates below. Don’t forget, WSFRS are also able to provide training at your business premises, give them a call to discuss on 0330 222 4658.

  • Monday 6 September 9:30am to 12:30pm – Arundel Fire Station | Management of Fire Risk
  • Thursday 9 September 9.30am to 12.30pm - Horsham Fire Station | Fire Warden
  • Thursday 9 September 1.30pm to 3.30pm - Horsham Fire Station | Fire Extinguisher
  • Tuesday 5 October 9.30am to 12.30pm - County Hall, Chichester | *Fire Safety for Early Years
  • Monday 8 November 9.30am to 11.30pm - Arundel Fire Station | Fire Extinguisher
  • Monday 8 November 12.30pm to 3.30pm - Arundel Fire Station | Fire Warden
  • Wednesday 19 January 6.00pm to 8.00pm - Worthing Fire Station | Fire Extinguisher
  • Friday 28 January 9.30am to 12.30pm - Arundel Fire Station | *Fire Safety for Early Years

To book on any of the above courses, please visit the Learning & Development Gateway.  Type the name of the course in the Keyword field for speed. 

To find out more information visit or give them a call on 0330 222 4658. 

New or returning staff starting in September?

Understanding Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Essentials (half day webinar) uses slides, video and activities to develop knowledge and understanding of the key elements of the EYFS, including information about changes due for implementation in September 2021.The time is 9.30am to 12.30pm unless otherwise stated. The cost is £25 per place.

  • Wednesday 29 September - EYT 21/2097
  • Wednesday 29 September – 1.15pm to 4.00pm - EYT 21/2098
  • Tuesday 12 October - EYT 21/2099
  • Tuesday 23 November - EYT 21/2100

To book, search for the course code on the Learning and Development Gateway. If you have any questions, please email

Safeguarding training dates for the autumn term

Safeguarding and Child Protection for Early Years and Childcare Practitioners is an introductory level course for practitioners who have never attended safeguarding training, those moving into early years or those in need of a complete refresher. All times run 9.30am to 3.30pm. The cost is £25 per place.

  • Monday 13 September – Online - EYT 21/1737
  • Friday 17 September - Aldingbourne Country Centre, Chichester - EYT 21/1796
  • Tuesday 21 September - The Kings Church, Burgess Hill - EYT 21/1750
  • Wednesday 13 October - Field Place, Worthing - EYT 21/1751
  • Saturday 16 October - Online EYT 21/1738

Safeguarding and Child Protection in Early Years Refresher is for practitioners who have previously completed safeguarding training. The time is 9.30am to 12.30pm unless otherwise stated. The cost is £15 per place.

  • Thursday 9 September - Broadfield Community Centre, Crawley - EYT 21/1792
  • Saturday 18 September - Online - EYT 21/1716
  • Tuesday 28 September – 6.30pm to 9.30pm – Online - EYT 21/1717
  • Thursday 30 September - Aldingbourne Country Centre, Chichester - EYT 21/1794
  • Tuesday 12 October - 1.30pm to 4.30pm - Field Place, Worthing - EYT 21/1748
  • Saturday 30 October – Online - EYT 21/1718
  • Thursday 4 November - County Hall North, Horsham - EYT 21/1747

Safeguarding and Child Protection for the Designated Person is for the safeguarding lead within the setting. It covers updates to policy and procedures, as well as learning from Serious Case Reviews. The cost is £15 per place.

  • Thursday 9 September – 1.30pm to 4.30pm – Broadfield Community Centre, Crawley - EYT 21/1795
  • Thursday 30 September – 1.30pm to 4.30pm – Aldingbourne Country Centre, Chichester - EYT 21/1743
  • Tuesday 12 October - 9.30am to 12.30pm - Field Place, Worthing - EYT 21/1744
  • Saturday 30 October – 1.30pm to 4.30pm – Online - EYT 21/1626

To book, search for the course code on the Learning and Development Gateway. If you have any questions, please email

Provider survey - have your say by 31 August

We are carrying out a survey to help identify the current strengths and challenges within the sector and areas where we can focus support in order to make the biggest impact. Your views are important to us. Responses will be used to shape the training and support, including information, advice and guidance, going forward.

Have your say now - Early Years and Childcare Provider Survey – Summer 2021

Learning and Development Networks - Autumn

Our networks are for those who lead practice in early years settings. They provide updates, information and guidance to support and improve practice and are free to attend.

To book, search for the course code on the Learning and Development Gateway. If you have any questions, please email

  • Adur - 4 October – 1.00pm to 3.00pm - EYT 21/2074
  • Arun – 29 September – 1.00pm to 3.00pm - EYT 21/2071
  • Arun - 5 October – 1.00pm to 3.00pm - EYT 21/2076
  • Chichester and Petworth - 5 October – 1.00pm to 3.00pm - EYT 21/2077
  • Crawley – 02 November – 1.00pm to 3.00pm - EYT 21/2070
  • Horsham - 5 October – 1.00pm to 3.00pm - EYT 21/2075
  • Horsham - 6 October – 1.00pm to 3.00pm - EYT 21/2078
  • Mid Sussex – 29 September – 10.00am to 12.00pm - EYT 21/2072
  • Mid Sussex – 29 September – 1.00pm to 3.00pm - EYT 21/2073
  • Worthing - 7 October – 1.00pm to 3.00pm - EYT 21/2079

The EYFS changes in September 2021 – get ready

All early years providers must follow a new reformed EYFS framework from September 2021. View the new framework and how the changes affect you.

The West Sussex Learning Journal materials have been updated to reflect the changes to the EYFS from September 2021 and are available on our website.

What to do if your setting needs to close

Please inform the Family Information Service if your setting needs to close or is re-opening. Email and include your setting name, Ofsted URN, the date you intend to close/open, and any changes to your operating hours. If you inform us of re-opening, you will be reinstated on the public list and appear on our website

If closing due to COVID-19 please ensure you read and follow all the steps in the PHE South East Health Protection Team ' Managing Suspected and Confirmed COVID-19 cases in Early Years and Childcare settings' flowchart.

In the event of your setting having a confirmed COVID-19 case, if Public Health or the Department for Education have stated you must close for any period of time you must inform the Family Information Service. However, if Public Heath have not explicitly stated in correspondence to you that the setting must close, we would expect you to make contact with your Early Years and Childcare Adviser (EYCA) to talk through your circumstances, where possible, before making the decision to close the setting. If you are not able to make immediate contact with your EYCA then please email your nearest Early Help Hub using the following email addresses:

Where there are not clearly evidenced reasons why the setting had no option to close, there could be implications for funding received as per the government guidance. 

Early Years COVID-19 guidance

Early Years and Childcare Training and Support

We have a range of online training available for you to access for your staff to ensure they have the most up to date information to support them in their role:

Links to our most recent setting updates

  • #175 (Amendments to Development Matters, vodcast on implementing the revised EYFS, pan Sussex safeguarding conference, autumn learning and development networks, learn about changes to EYFS and Development Matters)
  • #174 (Setting survey reminder, request for help with HAF venues, myth-busting from Ofsted on early years inspections, taster courses, paediatric first aid - blended)
  • #173 (Apology, COVID-19 Outbreak Pack, Contact Tracing, New Testing Kits, Development Matters, Ofsted Inspection Handbook, HAF - request for help, Autumn term Extended FE claims, Stretched FE claims, Hungry Little Minds, Network Meetings)
  • #172 (DfE data capture, Actions guidance update, EYC survey, CHIL-led Out Olympics, EYFS courses)
  • #171 (DfE data capture, changes to government COVID-19 guidance, Early Help redesign - next steps, request for HAF venues, new staff wellbeing resource, two new courses for fostering wellbeing in the early years)

Upcoming key dates

  • 31 Aug - West Sussex EYC provider survey closes
  • 31 Aug - Deadline to complete termly Sufficiency Update
  • 1 Sep - Autumn term Actuals submissions open (FE providers)
  • 1 Sep - New EYFS framework effective
  • 16 Sep - Autumn term headcount day (FE providers)
  • 24 Sep - Autumn term Actuals submissions close (FE providers)
  • w/c 18 Oct - Autumn term Actuals payments expected (FE providers)
  • 8 Nov - Spring term Estimate submissions open (FE providers)
  • 22 Nov - Spring term Estimate submissions close (FE providers)
  • w/c 6 Dec - Spring term Estimate payments expected (FE providers)