With you, with the child. Every step of the way.
Broadcast for Early Years and childcare providers in West Sussex from West Sussex County Council - Early Help Service
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Tuesday 11 August 2020
Reminder - this week's DfE data capture
This week's DfE data capture for the numbers of children currently accessing early years provision is open now, and will close at the end of Wednesday (midnight). Please use this link to complete your return.
Updated PHE flowchart
Following the change in government guidance which now asks individuals who are symptomatic or who test positive for COVID-19 to self-isolate for 10 (rather than seven) days, here is the updated version of the PHE flowchart for settings and schools. These have also been updated to ask settings to email their local Health Protection Team in the event of a suspected case (rather than phoning). Confirmed cases must still be notified by phone.
Early Years and Childcare Training and Support - Paediatric First Aid
Spaces are still available for this full 12 hour course (6 hrs online and 6 hrs face to face). The cost is £60 per person. Dates available:
- Wednesday 7 October 2020 9:30am - 4:30pm in Crawley - BOOK
- Monday 26 October 2020 9:30am - 4:30pm in Burgess Hill - BOOK
- Saturday 7 November 2020 9:30am - 4:30pm in Crawley - BOOK
- Monday 16 November 2020 9:30am - 4:30pm in Arundel - BOOK
If you need a course near you and would like us to organise this please email us.
View our brochure for details of our online courses.
Naval Children's Charity
The Naval Children’s Charity supports children up to and including the age of 25 who have a parent/guardian that serves or has served in the Royal Navy (or any of its branches). Grants can be offered to help with clothing, food, furniture or education support amongst many other things. Please promote this information to any families to whom this may apply.
Please inform the Family Information Service if your current operating status changes. Email family.info.service@westsussex.gov.uk and include your setting name, Ofsted URN, the date you intend to close/open, and any changes to your operating hours. If you inform us of re-opening, you will be reinstated on the public list and appear on our website www.westsussex.gov.uk/fis.
If you have not been able to open at this time, you should already have submitted a COVID-19 Recovery Plan and sent a copy by email to the FIS. This is so that we can look at the barriers you have identified and support you to re-open as soon as practicable. If we have not received your plan, you will be contacted by your EYCA to support you further.
All providers please complete a short online survey, once a week. The link to the survey is different each time. A link will be provided in each Thursday update for the following week, and the survey will be open for three full days each week from Monday to Wednesday, closing at midnight on the Wednesday. The latest link to the survey is also available on our website.
If a family you know are struggling to ensure they have food for their family, collect medication, or are in need of any additional support, contact West Sussex County Council Community hub.
#76 (IT upgrade, update on OPP error, visitors to settings)
#75 (OPP error, consumer information, parental guidance for autumn)
#74 (timings for DfE data capture, self-isolation period change, parent and toddler groups)
#73 (updated guidance, holiday/leave, CMA open letter, EYA blogs, grant for bulky medical equipment, OPP downtime)
#72 (DfE data reminder, local outbreak control plan)
We have a range of online training available for you to access for your staff to ensure they have the most up to date information to support them in their role: