Cap on care costs delayed until April 2020
Care and Support Minister Alistair Burt announces that the implementation of the cap on care costs will be delayed until April 2020.
In response to concerns expressed by the Local Government Association and many other stakeholders about the timetable for implementing the cap on care costs in April 2016, the government has decided to delay its implementation until 2020. The delay will allow time to be taken to ensure that everyone is ready to introduce the new system and to look at what more can be done to support people with the costs of care. Also included in the delay was the Section 18 (3) responsibility for meeting eligible needs of self-funders in care homes, and the extension of means tested support (e.g. increasing the threshold from £23,250 to £118,000 for those requiring residential care). The implementation of an independent appeals process and direct payments for residential care have also been delayed, however following further review these may be implemented prior to 2020.
Here in West Sussex, we will now be looking at the impact this announcement has for all of us. We will keep you updated in the next newsletter.
Integration between health and
social care
many years there has been a move towards integrating health and
social care services, and now the Care Act (alongside The Health and Social
Care Act 2012) places a duty on both health services and the Local
Authority to integrate. In 2015-16 the Better Care Fund will be a key tool to support this transformation and change within the health and
social care system and help deliver better services to
the population of West Sussex. The West Sussex Better Care Fund Plan can be
found at here.
The County Council is in discussions with all three Clinical
Commissioning Groups and health providers looking at how services can work
together within Integrated Discharge Teams to develop a more effective and
efficient transfer of people from hospital back into the community. In addition
health partners and the County Council are working closely to further
develop the Proactive Care team model. This is where people who may be at risk of
requiring more intensive health and social care services are identified and
supported to remain in their own home and community through a
multi-disciplinary team of GP’s, Community Nurses, Social Workers and other
Carers' assessments update
are pleased to announce that a new contract delegates the County Council’s function
to complete statutory carer's assessments, has been awarded to Carers Support West Sussex (CSWS). From
August 2015 Adult Social Care will begin to hand-over the majority of this work
to CSWS on a one year project basis.
Why should carers have an
A statutory assessment is the carers legal right. Completing a carer's
assessment will show the help and support a carer needs. It’s an opportunity to tell us about the
things that could make caring easier. Assessments look at a carers role and
the impact that being a carer is having on their life and wellbeing. The
assessment gives the carer space to focus on what’s important to them and think
about any changes that would help them. It will identify any care and support needs.
If those needs are to be met by funded social care support then a personal
budget will be given (made with a one-off direct payment). A carer may want to use a direct payment
to pay for a community service that helps them take a break from caring, or
perhaps gym membership or a piece of equipment that would make life easier. Other
needs may be met with targeted information, referrals to free services, and
practical advice and support.
Support West Sussex is a gateway to a whole host of services and support, some of which are
provided by other local groups or organisations. Therefore please signpost or
refer carers directly to Carers Support West
0300 028 8888
Other news:
Contact details for the new ‘Deferred Payments Team’:
West Sussex County Council, Room 216, 2nd
Floor, County Hall, West Street, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1RG; Telephone:
External: +44 (0)330 2228088 Internal: 28088; Email:
Details of Enquiry Officer workshops for experienced
Investigating Officers are now on the Learning and
Development Gateway.
The Local Government Authority have published eight
requirements which prioritise support
available to county councils and other statutory organisations to
implement social care reform in the forthcoming year.