California Cross project updates
Wokingham Borough Connect
What's coming up
The team are hoping to complete the final sections of drainage works next week, weather permitting, as we look to complete the final connections and then backfill along Finchampstead Road between Avery Corner car park and the crossroads.
We will also be installing new kerb lines outside Cresswells Garage while continuing to install paving blocks along the new footway.
What's been happening
Drainage works have progressed between the junction of Finchampstead Road and Avery Corner car park.
The team have also made progress on the new footway along Finchampstead Road to the crossroads. We are now at a stage where, due the nature of the current works, it has been beneficial to increase working hours during the week. The team are now working 7.30am to 8pm on occasions and have also undertaken some works over the weekends when appropriate.
Please continue to support your local businesses
All your local businesses remain open throughout the improvement project.
Pedestrian access is available to all businesses at all times.