Wokingham Borough Connect
 We're back! Sign up for cycle training and activities
Bikeability Learn to Ride and Balance Bike Clubs We are delighted to announce that we are re-starting our Bikeability Learn to Ride sessions and Balance Bike Clubs both at Finchampstead Baptist Centre and Woodford Park. The sessions start up on Wednesday, 21 April and on Thursday, 22 April.
Bikeability Learn to Ride costs £6 per session and Balance Bike Club is FREE. You must however book via our website as numbers are restricted.
Woky Wheels 4 All Cycling is for everyone! Come and try out our recumbent tricycles - perfect for anybody with balance or mobility issues. We also have standard two-wheeled bicycles to borrow. These FREE sessions are open to all residents of Wokingham Borough.
The sessions take place on Thursdays during term-time at the bike track at Finchampstead Baptist Centre at 10am and 11am. Booking is essential via our website.
Breeze Breeze rides for women re-started on 29 March (with social distancing measures) and we are initially concentrating on offering easy rides for beginners or ladies returning to cycling. Details of all rides can be found on the British Cycling Let's Ride website.
 What's on over Easter?
We're so egg-cited to announce that Avanti Cycling will be running two holiday courses for us in the Easter holidays.
- Level 1/2 training on 12th/13th April
- Level 3 training on 16th April
To book a place please visit the Avanti Cycling's website.
We have lots of other Covid-safe activities to keep your family entertained over the holidays including:
Visit our website to find out more about these and other activities we have planned.
 How can we help you to walk or cycle more?
Would you prefer to walk or cycle more around the borough? If so, we want your thoughts on what’s stopping you.
We’re currently developing a local cycling and walking infrastructure plan (LCWIP) for the borough, as well as a plan specifically for Wokingham town centre. We’d love to hear your thoughts on issues in your area that prevent you walking or cycling and where you would like to see improvements.
The aim is to determine where best to focus future investment in active travel infrastructure to support walking and cycling across the area.
To help shape the walking and cycling network across the borough visit wokinghamlcwip.commonplace.is where you will have the opportunity to leave your thoughts and opinions.
Visit our news website to find out more including how to share your thoughts.
Wokingham Air Quality Project
Our vital air quality improvement project has been extended after receiving £125,000 grant from the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
The purpose of the grant is to provide support to local authorities in England to develop or implement measures that deliver air quality benefits, developing solutions to increase awareness and encourage positive behavioural changes.
We've used previous funding to employ a dedicated eco-travel officer who has been working directly in schools with teachers, pupils and their families to increase active travel and improve the air quality within Wokingham Borough with a focus on health and the environment. Visit our website to find out more.
 Modeshift STARS
Congratulations to our schools who have achieved their Modeshift STARS:
- Evendons: Platinum
- The Coombes: Silver
- Wescott Infants: Bronze
- Shinfield St Mary's Junior: Green
- Hawthorns Primary: Bronze
Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel.
To find out how your school could gain Modeshift STARS accreditation and be in with a chance of winning a £2,000 grant for your school to promote sustainable travel contact our My Journey team today.
 Congratulations to all our competition winners
Build a bee house School children across the borough have been designing bee houses as part of our recent competition. They were also learning about the importance of bees, how air quality can affect them and how we can help. Visit our website to find out more
Half-term cycle trails During the February half-term, lockdown meant that we could not organise any group rides but, to encourage people to get out on their bikes, we came up with two cycle trails which families could complete on their own each about 5-6 miles long. Visit our website to find out more.
Air quality competition Hawthorns Primary School pupils were delighted to take part in our competition to design an air quality poster asking drivers to stop idling and care for their health and environment. Three winners will have their poster printed on a banner which will be displayed outside the school gate. Visit our My Journey website to find out more.
Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to everyone who took part.
 The Big Pedal
The Big Pedal is back on 19-30 April and this year's theme is Amazing Journeys which involves encouraging pupils to see their local areas from a different perspective and learn about the benefits of active travel.
Has your school signed up to take part in the Big Pedal? Find out more information about the Big Pedal on Sustrans website