Have you taken part in the current Government consultation on the creation of a mayoral combined authority for Cumbria?
You can find out more and respond by following this link? Responses from individuals, groups and businesses are being accepted until 23.59pm on 13 April.
Here’s a few facts about what is proposed:
- Under devolution arrangements, central Government transfer powers and money to regions across the country. This allows people who know their areas best to decide where money is spent.
- Through the Government’s Devolution Priority Programme, we want to secure fair funding and fair power and influence for Cumbria.
- The combined authority would have a mayor, elected by voters across the areas of Westmorland and Furness and Cumberland Councils.
- Each council would appoint two representatives to be members of the authority and a maximum of four non-constituent and associate members.
- The two existing councils would continue delivering current services such as adults and children’s social care, refuse collection and planning applications.
- The new authority would have specific powers around transport and local infrastructure, skills and employment support, housing and strategic planning, economic development and regeneration, environment and climate change, health, wellbeing and public service reform and public safety.
Join us online next week (Thursday 20 March 6-7pm) to find out more about joining the Step Up to Social Work programme with Westmorland and Furness Council.
- Understand more about the Step Up to Social Work programme and how this is delivered
- Hear feedback from people who have completed the programme already
- Opportunity to have any questions you have answered
Book your place today.
Or find out more and how to apply for the programme by visiting our website.
Residents are invited to the Community Hall Grizebeck for a progress update event between 3pm and 6pm on Wednesday 19th March.
Dave Newton (Construction Manager at Story Contracting), Will Storey (Head of Infrastructure (Construction) at Story Contracting), and Chris Myers (A595 Programme Manager at Westmorland and Furness Council) will be available to answer your questions on progress and the programme to completion.
We hope you can attend this event and look forward to seeing you there.
If you are unable to make it, we will keep you updated on our progress through the Westmorland and Furness website, our social media pages, and the Grizebeck Project mailing list which you can sign up for by emailing A595grizebeck@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk.
As the war in Ukraine enters its fourth year, Ukrainians who fled the conflict to come and live in Westmorland and Furness have been reflecting about the situation back home, and whether might one day return.
There are currently 374 Ukrainians in Westmorland and Furness, with 128 of them living with a host, and 246 living independently. These interviews were recorded before the breakdown in the relationship between the Ukrainian and U.S. Presidents.
Watch the video on our YouTube channel and don't forget to subscribe!
Join us! There are currently 107 job opportunities available to apply for now.