The Cumbria Fostering team have been out and about this summer, helping people to get started on their fostering journeys. If you have lots of questions about fostering, why not attend one of upcoming events next month?
Many looked after children have not had the positive family experience that most children have, but all it takes is one foster carer to make that difference. By becoming a foster carer with us you could help to give children the loving start in life they deserve.
People from all walks of life can become foster carers. Your background, life skills and experience can help support the children and young people you care for.
If you think you might have what it takes and would like to find out more, why not attend one of Cumbria Fostering’s upcoming information drop-ins this month:
Thursday 12 September – Join our virtual information session on Zoom and speak to our friendly team and carers between 6.30pm and 8pm. To reserve your place email before 12pm on Tuesday 10 September.
Saturday 21 September – Visit our information stand at Cumbria Pride at Caldew Riverside (Lower Viaduct) car park, Carlisle from 12pm till 4pm
Saturday 28 September – Visit our information Stand at Kendal Torchlight Street Festival in Kendal Town Centre from 10am to 3pm
For more details visit or call 0300 019 0200
The Cumbria Adult Learning Service has launched a new programme of courses for the 2024/25 academic year.
So if you're looking to...
- develop your digital skills
- pick up a new hobby
- enhance your CV
- learn a new language
- and lots more!
...then visit to find out more and how you can get started!
Heaps of fun to be had at this family day event as we launch our new compost demonstration site!
From 10am, we'll be onsite along with some of Garden Organic's Master Composter volunteers to show visitors around the site.
This is the third site we've set up across Westmorland and Furness which aims to encourage and show you how easy it is to compost at home.
Thanks to Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS) for helping to fund, and to Alpacaly ever after and Basecamp North Lakes for providing the space.
Find out more information and what other activities will be going on - look forward to seeing you there!
Join us! There are currently 85 job opportunities available to apply for now.