Residents in Westmorland and Furness looking for somewhere to warm up and have a hot drink and a chat can now choose from nearly 100 local “Warm Spots” this winter.
There are Warm Spot venues all the way from Barrow to Alston operating from village halls, community centres, churches, libraries, pubs, and sports centres, some open every day and some just a few hours a week. Everyone is welcome and you will not need to give any explanation of why you are there.
As a minimum, a Warm Spot will offer a warm space, a warm welcome, someone on hand to talk to if you wish, and, in most cases, a hot drink (free or at cost). But many are offering a much wider range of facilities, activities, and support. Thank you to everyone who’s come forward again this year and offered up their venue or community group as a warm spot.
To find the Warm Spot nearest you, visit our new webpage –
 Don't forget as well our Winter Ready campaign with great advice for the season. You’ll find useful information about our services, support you can access and guidance to help you get ready and be prepared.
One of our core values is listening to our communities and working with you on the issues that matter most. As we plan our spending for the year ahead, we need to hear your views on our five key proposals:
- Increase the rate of council tax for 2024/25 by 2.99% and implement the Government’s 2% rise for the Adult Social Care precept – making a total increase of 4.99%.
- Increase the council tax rate paid on second homes as part of our plan to tackle the affordable housing crisis by introducing a second homes premium of 100% from 1 April 2025.
- From 1 April 2024 apply the empty homes premium on properties that are substantially unfurnished after 1 year – rather than the current 2 years.
- From 1 April 2024 increase the empty homes premium on properties that are substantially unfurnished for more than 10 years from 300% to 400%.
- Apply an inflationary uplift of 6.7% on our discretionary fees and charges
The consultation on the budget proposals will run until 19 January 2024.
Around 100 of our foster carers and their children in Westmorland and Furness enjoyed a day of festive fun at our Christmas celebration event in Barrow.
The celebrations kicked off with a welcome speech by Cllr Matt Severn, Chair of Westmorland & Furness Council, followed by a fabulous pantomime, Sleeping Beauty.
After a lovely lunch, the children tried their hand at some Christmas crafts and watched a magic show, before meeting the big man himself, Santa Claus, and receiving a small gift to take home.
If you would like to find out about fostering with us please visit Cumbria Fostering's website.
Join us! There are currently 107 job opportunities available to apply for now.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Westmorland and Furness Council!
 This newsletter will return on 5 January, 2024.