If you live in Westmorland and Furness and your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020, they will be due to start school in Reception year group in September 2024. Find out more and apply.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2024.
Come along to Barrow Outdoor Market tomorrow (Saturday 9 December) from 10am to celebrate and sample local produce and gifts and meet the people who make them - from honey to bath bombs, prosecco to burgers and much more.
With festive music and the chance to meet a Shetland pony, Derbyshire Gritstone sheep and other rare breeds, this fantastic event is a partnership between Westmorland and Furness Council, Barrow BID and Rare Breeds Survival Trust.
We are consulting on the future of the North Walney Primary and Nursery School and encouraging everybody that has an interest in the school to share their views regarding a potential closure from the 31 August 2024.
There is concern about a decline in the number of pupils across all year groups over recent years and the resulting impact on the school’s financial position. Currently there are just 27 pupils, with the school able to accommodate up to 161 children. As a result, achieving a balanced budget is becoming increasingly difficult.
In line with national trends, the number of births in the North Walney catchment area has also reduced in recent years, as it has across Walney Island. Because of this and a surplus of school places across the surrounding area, the chances of significant growth in pupil numbers for the School are low.
Please let us know your thoughts before the consultation process closes on Tuesday 12 December 2023.
Join us! There are currently 103 job opportunities available to apply for now.