Make sure you’ve applied for free school meals and clothing grants if you’re eligible - even if your children are in reception or years 1 and 2.
Since 2014, all children in reception and years 1 and 2 have been automatically entitled to free school meals, but many parents miss out on a free school clothing grant because they haven’t officially applied for free school meals.
The free school clothing grants are provided by Westmorland and Furness Council and are worth £50 for each Primary School child and £100 for secondary pupils. Anyone who’s successfully applied for free school meals, will also receive free school clothing grants (and access to other support too).
What’s more, if a family with children is eligible for free school meals but hasn’t applied for them, their child’s school could also miss out on a Pupil Premium payment from the government of up to £1,320 each year.
Anyone who’s already successfully applied for free school meals in the past, does not need to do apply again and will continue to receive them as normal.
Parents can apply online through the Westmorland and Furness Council website.