To All West Berkshire Libraries Customers
Welcome to our February news!
 Everyone is welcome to use West Berkshire Libraries’ services but we know that it is sometimes difficult to visit a library building. Remember that if you or someone you know is unable to get to us, perhaps because of age, disability or for some other reason, we may be able to come to you.
We have a wonderful team of 20 friendly volunteers who visit housebound library users every three weeks with a small selection of library books (hardbacks, paperbacks, large print and audiobooks – you choose). To find out more, please ring the At Home service on 01635 519827 or email
Please help us to spread details of this service to anyone in the district who might benefit. Thank you
 As streaming services have grown in popularity and the demand for DVD hire has fallen, we are no longer purchasing them for our libraries. We do, however, currently have some ex-stock DVDs for sale. Drop in to your local library to buy these while stocks last.
 We regularly review all of our services to ensure we are providing what you need. Recently we have seen an increase, particularly in Newbury Library, in the number of people who want to work or study in the building and who bring their own laptop or other mobile device with them to do so. We are therefore reducing the number of networked library PCs - although maintaining plenty for those who still want to use them - and increasing the available study spaces. Free Wi-Fi and charging points are provided.
Don’t forget that we also have ‘hublets’ (or tablet computers) available to use within the building. Scan your library card and PIN to release one and enjoy reading e-newspapers and e-magazines, listen to music, browse the web or use any of our free online resources while you are here. You will find hublets for public use at Thatcham Library too.
We are sorry to tell you that The Economist is no longer available as an e-magazine from our e-library service Libby. However, if you are a member of West Berkshire Libraries you can continue to read it free of charge via PressReader, our resource for digital newspapers. Please be aware that is has a maximum lending period of 24 hours.
If you haven’t used PressReader before, download the PressReader app from your usual app store and watch our short video on YouTube to help you get started. You will find over 7,000 titles from over 100 countries, updated daily.
 Library users taking part in the Friday morning world crafts sessions at Newbury Library have recently enjoyed finding out about crafts from India and the Ukraine. This month there will be opportunities to try tile painting from Greece and Portugal on Friday 3 February and to make Mexican ‘hearts’ on Friday 10 February, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Anyone 55+ years is welcome to take part in these sessions led by artist Mandy Allport from the Corn Exchange Newbury. All materials are provided free of charge but pre-booking is essential. For more information and to book, please contact the Corn Exchange: 01635 522733 or book online
 We have another new craft for you. Learn some of the basic techniques of the ancient art of quilling in a six week course starting at Theale Library on Monday 20 February, 1.30-3pm. Come and have a go at making your own decorative designs.
This course is open to all, with all materials provided free of charge, but numbers are limited and advance booking is essential. For more information and to book please contact Theale Library.
 It’s not too late to get your COVID booster. A pop-up COVID vaccination clinic will be visiting Hungerford Library on Mondays 13 and 20 February, plus 6 and 20 March. Check availability and book your appointment on the national booking system
 We have a number of extra activities for children in libraries over the half term break, including special BookTrust Storytimes in both Thatcham Library on Monday 13 February, 10-10.30am, and Newbury Library on Thursday 16 February, 11-11.45am. There is no need to book for these. Just drop in to listen to the six books which have been shortlisted for this year’s national BookTrust Storytime prize and let us know your favourite.
Here are some other events you won’t want to miss:
LEGO sessions for children over 5 years: Newbury Library on Monday 13th 2-3pm; Thatcham Library on Tuesday 14th 2-4pm and on Friday 17th 10am-12pm; and at Burghfield Common Library throughout opening hours all week.
Craft fun for all ages at Hungerford Library on Tuesday 14th 10.30am-12pm, and at Lambourn Library on Friday 17th 2-4pm and Saturday 18th 10.30am-12pm, with materials provided.
Creative writing workshops for 7-11 year olds on Thursday 16th at Burghfield Common Library 11am-12.30pm and at Theale Library 2.30-4pm. These are run by Explore Learning, who will take you on an exciting exploration of the Amazon Rainforest. Advance booking is required for these workshops.
A musical storytime for 3-8 year olds at Pangbourne Library on Friday 17th 11-11.35am, when storyteller Jonathan Clifton will tell the tale of The earl, the cook and the sandwich.
For more details about any of these, please contact the library concerned. Please note that parents/carers need to stay in the library with children under 8.
Whether or not children have been taking part in this winter’s online reading challenge, they can still visit the Winter Mini Challenge website throughout half term to enjoy online games, author videos, suggestions for what to read next and lots of fun activities.
Don’t forget that we have online book-related crafts for children every weekend too. Find them on Facebook and Instagram on Saturdays and on Twitter every Sunday
 Residents, businesses and other local stakeholders are invited to have their say on the priority areas and outcomes for West Berkshire Council over the next four years.
A new Council Strategy is set to be adopted in May 2023. It sets out what what the Council wants to prioritise and improve - whether that's a statutory service, e.g. emptying bins, fixing potholes or safeguarding vulnerable children, or a new area of focus such as reaching zero net carbon. It also explains how the Council proposes to achieve its priorities and work with local communities and partner organisations to deliver the strategy.
The proposed priority areas for the next four years are:
- Providing opportunities for all and more help when you need it
- Protecting and enhancing our environment
- Stronger communities
- Great place to live, learn and do business
- Building public services for the future
The draft Council Strategy 2023-27 is open for consultation to residents before a final Strategy is submitted to Council for approval in May. You can read the draft Council Strategy for 2023-27 on the West Berkshire Council website and have your say by Sunday 26 February.
To find out what’s happening near you, check with your local library or search the West Berkshire Directory. Facebook users can see what’s coming up by following @WBerksLibraries and going to our Events listing. Also remember that you can keep up with the latest news about everything that’s happening in our libraries by following @WBerksLibraries on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Our next newsletter will be out in early March.