Local community projects are to get a £100k boost following our latest funding round for ward members.
The funding will enable improvements to key infrastructure such as village halls and community centres acknowledging the vital role they play in supporting communities.
You can read more about this here.
 A celebration of sport and physical activity inspired by the Queen’s Commonwealth Games Baton Relay will be held next Thursday (7 July).
Local schools and residents are invited to a special West Berkshire United celebration event at Northcroft Leisure Centre in Newbury where you can enjoy an incredible array of taster sports sessions, musical performances, arts activities and inspirational speeches from former Great British athletes.
The afternoon sessions are reserved for pre-booked primary and secondary schools but from 5 - 7pm everyone is invited to experience the West Berkshire United ‘Village’.
Find out more here: https://westberks.gov.uk/westberksunited
To coincide with Newbury’s first Pride on 2 July 2022 and the 50th anniversary of the UK’s first recognised Pride, West Berkshire Museum has partnered with members of the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual and others) community to develop an exhibition on the history of Pride.
This exhibition explores how UK Pride started and events that have led to social and political change throughout its history. The exhibition also illustrates why Pride is still important and necessary. Communities have contributed to this exhibition by sharing their stories and reflecting on what it has been like to grow up, or live, in and around Newbury as an LGBTQIA+ person. There will also be objects on display from local people that illustrate their experiences and affirm their identities.
The Museum has a Contemporary Collecting Policy and are always keen to develop the collections so they represent the diversity of our local communities. The Museum aims to provide a sense of place for all who live, work and visit West Berkshire and are encouraging local LGBTQIA+ people to continue to contribute to this exhibition throughout the year with loans or donations of objects. If you would like to find out more please contact museum@westberks.gov.uk.
Hope and Pride will runs from 2 July 2022 – 2nd July 2023.
The Museum is open Wednesday – Sunday 10am to 4pm, entry is free but donations are welcomed.
 A new group, Draughtbusters, is being created to help tackle draughts and poor insulation in the homes of the district's elderly and vulnerable residents.
We're seeking volunteers to help find and fix draughts in homes and to help raise awareness of what residents can do to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
If you're interested in energy saving and the environment will you join us? We need both a core team who can set up the organisation, arrange training, publicity and work with other bodies; and also practical people who are willing to give some time to find and fix problems in homes.
The move will mean residents have warmer and more energy-efficient homes - while also having a positive environmental impact. It will also help to reduce energy bills at a time when home heating costs have rocketed alongside a broader increase in the cost of living.
You can find out more here.
 Cyclomaniacs is a fun session of cycling for children aged 9 to 12 years.
Sessions will be taking place on Saturday mornings from 9:00am to 11:30am, no specialist equipment is needed; just a bike, a cycle helmet and a can-do attitude to have fun.
There are limited places available and it only costs £15 per rider. The sessions will take place at Shaw House, Church Rd, Shaw, Newbury, RG14 2DR.
The next Cyclomaniacs club is taking place on the following dates: 2 July, 16 July, 3 September and 17 September.
For more information and to book your place, visit our website about active travel and road safety or please contact: activetravel@westberks.gov.uk if you have any questions.
A limited number of loan bikes are available on the day at a cost of £5 per bike per session.
Level 2 and Level 3 Bikeability courses are also available. This is the modern standard for cycle training, giving everyone the skills and confidence to cycle on today's roads. Please contact: activetravel@westberks.gov.uk for more information.
 We know the summer time is when our open spaces are enjoyed the most with picnics, sports events, gatherings, exercise and dog walks.
As the saying goes, we are a nation of dog lovers and never more so since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since 2020, dog ownership has increased considerably and whilst owning a dog has been shown to have a positive impact on our physical and mental wellbeing, it does mean our dogs bins are being used more often!
Our contractors empty bins on a regular basis and we are adding extra resource to this service to meet demand in high usage areas. However, we still need your help to ensure our open spaces and pavements stay clean and tidy from fly tipping and overflowing bins.
When you are out and about please:
- Don’t dispose of your household waste in litter bins or dog bins – use your black bin at home or visit one of our recycling centres: westberks.gov.uk/clickandtip
- Take your litter and dog waste home with you if the bins are full
- Report full bins so our contractor can empty them. This can be done online: westberks.gov.uk/reportaproblem or by calling: 01635 551111
Thank you to everyone who looks after our open spaces by using litter bins and dog waste bins respectfully.
Let’s keep West Berkshire beautiful!