To All West Berkshire Libraries Customers
Welcome to our May news!
There's such a lot happening in West Berkshire Libraries this month. We’re delighted to include some of the highlights here.
Most of our events and activities are free and you can drop in on the day, but please check the details with your local library in advance.
Saturday 7 May – LEGO Club for children over 5 years at Pangbourne Library, 10.30am-12pm. This new club will now run regularly at Pangbourne Library on the first Saturday of every month.
 Monday 9 May – Try your hand at crochet at Theale Library, 1.15-2.45pm. This session is the first in a course of six sessions. The course is free, materials provided.
 Thursday 19 May – Online talk about archaeological finds in West Berkshire, 7-8pm. This will be presented on Zoom by Berkshire Finds Liaison Officer Philip Smither. Advance booking essential:
Friday 20 and Friday 27 May – Educafe at Thatcham Library, 12-2.30pm. Activities, befriending service, parents’ area, English language chat and, of course, free coffee and delicious cakes! All welcome.
 Saturday 28 May – Elmer Day! Borrow or reserve your favourite children’s stories about Elmer the elephant and find activities in all our libraries.
 Tuesday 31 May – Craft workshop for adults at Newbury Library, 2-3pm. Use hand printed wood type blocks on paper to create joyful artwork to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Please contact the library to book your free place.
More of our regular activities are resuming again now too:
VIPs Book Group – our book group for visually impaired readers meets on the fourth Monday of the month, 10.30-11.30am at Newbury Library.
Art Group – every Tuesday at Hungerford Library, 2-4pm. Bring your paints, pastels or pencils with you and meet with others to draw or paint.
 Flower arranging – create your own flower arrangement at Newbury Library with guidance from an expert tutor. For class dates and further details, please contact Christina Francis: 07771 982597.
 We’re grateful to local author Iris Lloyd, who has been talking to us about her life, her books and how she became a writer. You can watch this on our YouTube channel now and borrow Iris Lloyd’s books through any West Berkshire library.
 Our virtual tour of Newbury Library will show you what to expect when you visit. You can now watch a trailer for this on YouTube for an idea of what’s included. Find a link to the complete tour on the Newbury Library webpage.
 Also new on YouTube: a short guide to using our PressReader service to access e-newspapers. Find out how to use the PressReader app to read any of over 7,000 digital titles from over 100 countries – all free to library members.
Search for West Berkshire Libraries on YouTube to find these videos and more, including online Rhymetimes, talks and guides to some of our most popular e-resources. Subscribe to the channel now so that you don’t miss anything new!
 Visitors to Newbury or Theale libraries can now scan your library card to use one of these devices to read e-newspapers and magazines, listen to music, browse the web and more. For instance, it’s a quick and easy way to access PressReader.
For more information, please ask about our hublets when you are in the library and we’ll be happy to show them to you.
 Items from the West Berkshire Toy Library (located at the Central Family Hub in Thatcham) can now be hired for up to two weeks at a time, with prices ranging from £3 to £7. If you are planning a children’s birthday party, why not hire equipment for it from us?
Check the library catalogue to see what’s available. For more details about this service please ring 01635 865318 or email
 . . . to help at the English Language Café at Hungerford Library. This is an informal and friendly meeting place for anyone who wants an opportunity to practise speaking English, but we do need people to come along and chat to those attending. If you can assist, please drop in during Café times: the first Friday of the month, 5-6.30pm. Refreshments are available and everyone is welcome.
Starting on Thursday 9 June in Thatcham Library and Friday 10 June in Pangbourne Library: six-week Creative Arts Clubs for over 55s, run by the Corn Exchange, Newbury. Experience a different art form each week during these FREE courses. Advance booking required through the Corn Exchange from 9 May.
We have lots of other exciting things planned in West Berkshire Libraries for June too! In order to bring you the news before the start of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend, next month’s newsletter will be with you a little earlier than usual. Look out for the June issue in your in-box on Thursday 26 May.
Meanwhile please follow @WBerksLibraries on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with latest news about all that’s happening in our libraries.
You can find details of all West Berkshire Libraries opening hours, including our Mobile Library timetable, on our website: