Volunteers out tree planting in Pangbourne
Over the past year we've been working on a new initiative to provide a memorial to allow residents in the district to remember and reflect on the loss of those who have died as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Through our 'Blossom into Spring' initiative we've offered white flowering ornamental cherry blossom trees (‘Prunus Tai Haku’) to all town and parish councils in the district. So far, 30 councils have taken part with 113 cherry trees planted already - and more trees being planted this weekend.
The trees will provide a lasting memorial for residents to remember their loved ones, they will improve the district visually and contribute to carbon sequestration. By combining the beneficial elements of tree planting with the visual spectacle of spring blossoming trees we hope to create a living natural memorial and a point of reflection at a scale that echoes the loss of residents across the district.
We want to say a special thank you to everyone who took part in the planting, and our partners Continental Landscapes Ltd and Volker Highways for their delivery services.
 Volunteers out tree planting in Basildon
New recycling and rubbish collection days have started!
Please make sure to check your bin day and whether it is a recycling or black bin collection this week.
To check your bin day online go to: www.westberks.gov.uk/binday
For more information and to access our collection day changes FAQs, visit: www.westberks.gov.uk/bindaychanges
We are looking to develop and support our working relationships with landlords and agents who own/manage/rent properties in the private rented sector. With this aim in mind, we will be running a virtual landlord webinar as a means of providing regulatory updates and sharing best practice of improving standards within private rented accommodation.
Our first webinar will take place on Thursday 10 February, 4:30pm-5:40pm, via zoom. We will cover topics such as:
- DWP relating to Universal Credit claims and how to minimise rent arrears
- West Berkshire Council in relation to homelessness legislation
- West Berkshire Council’s new landlord initiatives
- Shaping the future of landlord engagement in the future for the area
This webinar will be part of wider landlord engagement, which will provide resources to support landlords across West Berkshire and Bracknell Forest.
You can read more and book your spot on the webinar via Eventbrite to receive your unique invite.
 Educafe's Community Cafes are back and now we're delighted to be hosting them at Newbury Library.
This friendly community café provides a safe space for people to make new friends, eat and learn. Drop in every Wednesday in February between 11am and 2pm to enjoy arts and crafts, games and puzzles, activities for parents with babies, IT support, a befriending service, our ‘chatty corner’ for anyone who wants to improve their English language skills, and lots more.
Refreshments provided – come and enjoy a chat and free cake. All welcome!
Place2Be is the UK's leading provider of schools based mental health support. They launched the first Children’s Mental Health Week in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. Now in its seventh year, they hope to encourage more people than ever to get involved and spread the word.
The theme this year is ‘Growing Together’. Place2Be is encouraging children (and adults) to consider how they have grown emotionally, what they need to help them grow, and how they can help others to grow too.
West Berkshire supports children and young people’s mental health in a number of ways. Our Mental Health Support Team offer half termly Mental Health Surgeries with school staff. The surgeries include problem solving consultations around individual children and young people and their families that may be struggling, and help to identify and provide short term interventions for mild and moderate mental health difficulties.
They also work with schools on their Mental Health support, offering whole school staff training, parent workshops, school assemblies and class workshops.
Find out more about the week and Place2Be.