We all need to stay safe, protect ourselves and the people around us, and the best way to do that is:
- get fully vaccinated, book your first vaccination through to your Booster on the NHS website
- wear a mask in enclosed spaces and maintain social distancing
- ensure rooms are ventilated by opening windows and doors
- continue to regularly test with lateral flow tests, particularly before socialising in groups or visiting vulnerable people
- isolate and get a PCR test if you have symptoms or test positive on a lateral flow device test
Hungerford pop-up Vaccination Clinic extended to 23rd December
Due to the demand on all vaccinations at Hungerford, it will be open up to 7pm on 23rd December.
You can get the following vaccinations there:
- 12 to 15 years old - First and Second doses only.
- 16 to 17 years old - First and Second doses only.
- 18 years and above - First, Second and Booster doses.
Please note that the second dose is given eight weeks after receiving your first dose. The Booster dose is given three months after receiving your second dose.
It is open on 23rd December, from 9.30am to 7pm - visit the NHS website for more information on the Hungerford vaccination centre.
Stay Warm and Well This Winter
In periods of colder weather it’s important to look after our health. Colder weather can have a negative impact on our health, especially if you are vulnerable.
Stay active, have plenty of hot food and drinks and check in on those who are vulnerable to make sure they are warm and well.
Don't forget that if you’re eligible for the flu vaccine you can book this by calling your GP surgery / local pharmacy. Find out more about who is eligible.
 A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Giving Tree campaign this year to help us wrap up Christmas for those in need.
Your generosity never fails to amaze us and your act of kindness will make a world of difference to families affected by Domestic Abuse and give them hope of a better Christmas.
The former Faraday Road football ground site in Newbury has been opened as a temporary public sport and recreation space.
The site, which forms part of the London Road Industrial Estate, was vacated three years ago to allow plans to be brought forward for significant investment, including the creation of an attractive new mixed commercial and residential development.
West Berkshire Council's Executive Member for Finance and Economic Development, Councillor Ross Mackinnon, said:
"We're really pleased to be opening this space up to the community on schedule.
"This is good news for local people, who will be able use it for exercise, informal sports and recreation while we bring forward plans to develop the site as part of ambitious plans for the London Road Industrial Estate."
Soon we'll be delivering two new guides to households to help residents stay healthy in 2022.
One of these resources is a mental wellbeing guide that contains details of a range of organisations that provide support for your mental health and wellbeing. The Community Wellbeing guide gives you some some simple tips around subjects such as physical activity, hydration and nutrition.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all been asked to behave, work, socialise and live in new and often difficult ways. The pandemic has had life-changing impacts for many, and moving into 2022 we are still facing new challenges.
Not every aspect of our health is always within our control. However, the purpose of these resources is to give an introduction to a few simple ways that we can improve the quality of our lives.
An online copy of either resource, or a longer booklet version, can be found on our website.
 The Annual Health and Wellbeing Board Conference is back - and you're invited!
The event will focus on our plan for improving the health and wellbeing for everyone living in West Berkshire over the next ten years. As well as presentations, there will be workshop sessions covering five health-focussed topics during which you can share your ideas and let us know what's important to you.
Last year’s conference attracted over 100 attendees and was a really helpful way for us to engage with local communities on this important issue.
This will be a virtual event via Zoom open to anyone in West Berkshire who has an interest in health and wellbeing.
Read more and book your Conference place.
A poll for the election of a District Councillor for Tilehurst South and Holybrook took place on Thursday 16 December 2021.
Nigel Lynn, Chief Executive and Returning Officer for West Berkshire Council, announced the result declaring Akinbiyi Oloko (Conservative) as the successful candidate with 548 votes.
Speaking on his success, Councillor Akinbiyi Oloko said: “I want to thank the residents of Tilehurst South and Holybrook for their confidence in voting for me and I will make their priorities my priorities. I look forward to being of service to the residents of Tilehurst South and Holybrook.”
An official declaration will be published on our election page.
 Councillor Akinbiyi Oloko (right) with Chief Executive Nigel Lynn
We are inviting local people to take part in a consultation on a new strategy for Adult Social Care, to share their thoughts on what the priorities should be over the coming years. The consultation period is due to end on 3rd January 2022 at 5.00pm and we would invite people to let us know any feedback ahead of the deadline.
The Adult Social Care service delivers a wide range of specialist support and activities to help people who are living with disability or physical or mental illness to ensure their needs are met and they can live life as independently as possible and stay safe and well.
You can hear more about Adult Social Care service in West Berkshire in the ‘Ask Lynne’ session which was recorded last Tuesday: Ask Lynne- Adult Social Care - YouTube
To take part you can complete the short survey online or you can request hard copies by contacting the team. The full strategy, survey and further information are available here https://info.westberks.gov.uk/draftascstrategy