Get involved in the Great Big Green Week!
18-26 September 2021
Great Big Green Week is a national week of events celebrating action on climate change.
This month, communities across the country will join together for the Great Big Green Week. It will be the biggest event for climate and nature ever in the UK, and everyone’s invited!
There are several events taking place across West Berkshire, run by our fantastic local green groups as well as Parish and Town Councils. In addition, West Berkshire Council will be launching new exciting projects during this week so keep an eye out on our Facebook page for more information.
25 September 2021, 11am-3pm
The Wildlife Allotment Garden, Cold Ash, RG18 9PR
Participants will get the opportunity to have a go at scything, raking and sowing wildflower seed. Come and visit our allotments and find out what exciting projects we have been working on recently.
Organisers: Cold Ash Volunteers
25 September 2021, 2pm
St John’s Church and Hall, Newbury, RG14 7PY
The workshop will open with an update on the town council’s progress toward being carbon neutral by 2030 or before.
Guest speakers will include Dr Mike Morecroft who is the principal specialist in climate change at Natural England and an IPCC lead author. He will be bringing a wealth of knowledge to this event.
Organisers: Newbury Town Council
23 September 2021, 7.30-9.30pm
Hamstead Marshall Village Hall, RG20 0HL
This talk will focus on the West Berkshire Council Mapping Verges project. Our guest speaker will be Simon Claybourn from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust who is involved in the project.
There will be a raffle in aid of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. Refreshments will be available (tea, coffee, cordials, water, cake, biscuits).
Donations gratefully received, thank you. You are most welcome to wear facemasks.
Organisers: Hamstead Marshall Wildlife Group
Keep an eye out for more upcoming events: |
Recycle Week: 20-26 September 2021
Recycle Week is Recycle Now’s flagship annual event which is a celebration of recycling across the nation. Now in its 18th year, it’s the one week of the year where retailers, brands, waste management companies, trade associations, governments and the media come together to achieve one goal: to encourage the public to recycle more of the right things, more often!
During this week, we will be posting about tips and tricks for reducing your waste and recycling better. Check out our Recycle for West Berkshire Facebook page to keep up to date.
World Car-Free Day: 22nd September 2021
Let your car have the day off on Wednesday 22nd September and get involved in celebrating World Car-Free Day!
- Enjoy the last of the summer weather by walking or cycling instead of driving where you can. Find our cycle paths here.
- For longer journeys, use our planner to find available trains and buses near you.
- Not practical for your commute? Swap out a different journey or make the most of your local public transport for meeting up with friends in the evening
- Take advantage of our pay-as-you-go car club in Newbury and hire an electric vehicle for your journey
Eco Schools Launch!
As part of West Berkshire Council’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2030, we are working with schools to help them to reduce their carbon emissions and have fun doing it!
During Great Big Green Week we will be launching the Eco Schools Programme in West Berkshire and encouraging schools to sign up. It’s available to all schools primary, secondary, special schools and colleges.
Eco Schools is an internationally recognised, 7-step programme that aims to embed a simple environmental management system in schools and is led by students. There are 10 interesting topics which overlap with the national curriculum: Biodiversity, Energy, Global Citizenship, Healthy Living, Litter, Marine, School Grounds, Waste, Water and Transport
Once you’ve completed the steps, you can be assessed and achieve the Green Flag, which is made of recycled bottles!
We're also looking forward to announcing new projects, including our work with Greenham Trust!