IASS February 2025 E- Bulletin

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Welcome to our
February 2025 E- Bulletin

IASS Spring Training Workshops


Person Centred Planning 

Tuesday 25 February 10:00am
Cherry Street SEND and sensory hub, WV3 0QW

Book your place at: Person Centred Planning Workshop Tickets, Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite


A workshop designed to help you understand the importance of person centred planning and how it can positively impact your life and the lives of those around you.

During this in-person event, you will have the opportunity to engage in interactive sessions, group discussions, and hands-on activities. The Information, Advice, and Support Service will guide you through the process of creating a person centred plan that is tailored to your unique needs and goals.



Compliments, complaints
and disagreement resolutions

Tuesday 25 March 10:00am
Online webinar workshop

Book your place at: Compliments, complaints and disagreement resolutions Tickets, Tue, Mar 25, 2025 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite


This online session will focus on dispute resolution in relation to special educational needs and disabilities. The session will also cover the importance of compliments and constructive feedback, and how they can be used to help you move forward.

Many disagreements or concerns can be resolved through discussion with school or the local authority. This session will help you to understand local processes and any legal routes of redress.

IASS SEND Surgery at Cherry Street Hub


Do you know we hold a SEND Surgery every fortnight at Cherry Street SEND and Sensory Hub, Cherry Street, WV3 0QW?

Each session we will have a specific SEND focus, as well as offering a coffee and chat for
parents, carers and young people who may have any questions or queries related to special
educational needs and/or disability.


Our February sessions are:

Thursday 6th February 9.30am to 12.30pm

Tuesday 25th February 1.00pm to 4.00pm


Look out for more dates on our website and social media @wolvesiass

IASS logo

WIASS Annual Satisfaction
Survey Results


We are delighted to share the results of our latest annual satisfaction survey. Throughout the year we ask parents, carers, young people, and professionals for their experience having used the service. This can range from a chance meeting at a community event, attending one of our workshops or receiving individual advice and support from the team.

  • 98% of people who have accessed the service say WIASS has made a difference.
  • 98% of respondents were satisfied with the service they received.
  • 98% said they would recommend WIASS to others

Read the full Annual Satisfaction Survey at:
WIASS Satisfaction Survey 2024

If you would like to tell us about your experience of WIASS you can do so at:
Wolverhampton IASS Survey Jan - Dec 2025 - City of Wolverhampton Council - Citizen Space

Base 25 logo

Base 25: IASS SEND Surgery


In partnership with Base 25 we have a new day and time for our SEND Surgery.

From now until July we will be at Base 25 first Friday of every month between 10.00am and 12.00pm.

Our first session is Friday 7th February at

Base 25 café,

29-31 Temple St,




We will then be there on the following Fridays:

7th March

4th April

2nd May

6th June

4th July

New SEND Local Offer website 

Wolverhampton local offer website


Wolverhampton has an all-new Local Offer website, detailing information, services and resources available to support children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

The website, www.localofferwolves.co.uk, has been created in partnership with children, young people and their families and includes:

  • What to do if you're new to SEND  
  • Local support such as where you can find helpful advice, fun activities or services
  • Educational settings in Wolverhampton or nearby such as early years, primary, secondary, sixth form, colleges, further education and higher education
  • Travel assistance arrangements for children or young people attending schools, colleges or an early years setting
  • How to get advice for young adults with SEND, like housing and employment support.

Sassy Sensory Surprise

Sensory Library event: 5 February

Sassy sensory surprise library


Sassy Sensory Surprise are offering their next sensory library event:

Date: Wednesday, 5th February 2025
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Location: The Good Shepherd Church, 21 Windmill Lane, Wolverhampton, WV3 8HJ


The Sensory Library offers:

  • A chance to browse reading materials related to SEND and various diagnoses.
  • Access to a wide range of sensory resources to loan.
  • A relaxed environment to grab a cuppa, enjoy some cake, and connect with other families in your community.


Wellbeing walk: 11 February at Walsall Arboretum 

Wellbeing walks


If traditional SEND support groups aren’t your thing, Sassy Sensory surprise offers its Wellbeing Walks. Their next event takes place at: 

Date: Tuesday, 11th February 2025

Time: 10:15 AM to 12:00 PM (Walk starts at 10:30 AM)

Location: Walsall Arboretum (Meeting point: Children’s play area)

What’s included: Water and fruit provided for all attendees.

This event is open to all!

Witherslack group

The Witherslack Group:
February training webinars


Throughout February, The Witherslack Group are offering numerous free virtual training sessions for parents, carers and professionals in education.

  • Supporting Children with SEN: Managing anxiety together- 5 February
  • Apprenticeship advantages and the application process11 February
  • SENCO self- care: Balancing the challenges of SEN- 12 February
  • Autism and girls- 25 February

To book your place and discover further events and resources offered by The Witherslack Group visit: SEN Events and Webinars - Witherslack Group

Autism central

Autism Central:
February training webinars


Autism Central offers free online learning webinars to parents and carers of autistic people. The sessions are run by Peer Educators and offers families the opportunity to understand the condition more to better support caring for their child or young person. Upcoming February webinars include:

  • Understanding executive functioning- 4 February
  • Overwhelm, meltdowns and shutdowns- 6 February and 24 February
  • Supporting mental health in schools- 8 February and 25 February
  • Supporting siblings- 11 February
  • Autism and mental wellbeing- 13 February
  • Demand avoidance- 18 February
  • Personal budgets and employing personal assistants-20 February

To book your place and discover more 2025 learning webinars visit:

Midlands delivered by Contact and Ambitious about Autism | Autism Central

BSL Course for Beginners



Are you interested in learning British Sign Language (BSL)?

The Sensory Inclusion Service is offering a free 15 week beginners BSL course.
The course will be delivered by a Deaf Tutor and qualified BSL user.

To register your interest email danielle.smith@wolverhampton.gov.uk

changing our lives

Chai Mithai and
Challenging Myths -
Parent/carer coffee morning


Chai Mithai is a project that challenges myths surrounding learning disability and autism in South Asian communities. They are a team made up of disabled people and family members from South Asian communities, as well as experienced professionals who work with people with a learning disability and autism.

They are holding an informal coffee morning on 13th March at the Cherry Street SEND and sensory hub, Wolverhampton WV3 0QR from 10.00am to 11.15am where families can explore these issues in a supportive environment.

If you would like to attend this event or meet at a different time,
contact Jackie@changingourlives.org.

You can find out more on the Changing Our Lives website:
Current campaigns - Changing Our Lives


Kidz to Adultz March 2025 Coventry

Kidz to Adultz: 13 March Coventry


Join Kidz to Adultz on Thursday 13th March 2025 at Coventry Building Society Arena, CV6 6AQ for their free exhibition dedicated to supporting children and young people with additional needs.

Try out adaptive products, meet experts, join educational seminars from guest speakers, and gain information on financial or legal advice.


To book your free place visit:
Kidz to Adultz Middle – Kidz to Adultz Exhibitions

Emotional wellbeing support
for secondary school pupils

WYSA wellbeing support


Contact: Listening Ear Service


Do you know Contact for families with disabled children offers a Listening Ear service?

The Listening Ear service offers hour-long 1-1 telephone appointments with a family support adviser. The parent advisers in the Listening Ear team are all parents of children and young people with disabilities, with a huge wealth of professional experience.

You can book an appointment form the Contact website: Listening Ear

Autism-Focused Support - Contact also offers half-hour 1-to-1 calls for parents the Midlands as part of their Autism Central support

Complete our evaluation survey

Wolves IASS is always grateful for the wonderful feedback we receive from families that have benefitted from our service.

If you have been supported by IASS previously, we would love to hear about your experience with us.

Please complete our evaluation survey at:
Wolverhampton IASS Survey Jan - Dec 2025 - City of Wolverhampton Council - Citizen Space

Follow us on social media 

We post lots of information and advice on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Pages to keep you aware and informed of upcoming events, activities, useful resources and other information:



