Youth Voice meets Police and Crime Commissioner
Members of Wolverhampton Youth Council, The Yes Board and Family on Board had the opportunity to meet with the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Simon Foster.
This was an opportunity for the Youth Council to update the PCC on the work they have been doing on Crime and Safety, the issue that received the most votes in the recent Make Your Mark Campaign. During the event the My Tomorrow Campaign was discussed and how it could be rolled out in Wolverhampton.
‘My Tomorrow’ has been launched in the West Midlands and highlights the opportunities and challenges facing young people's lives, particularly in relation to preventing and reducing violence in our communities. Find out more
The PCC discussed his role, answered questions and gave the young people and opportunity to take part in his Police and Crime Plan consultation.
 Away at Condover 2024
Our Youth Voice members spent an amazing few days and nights at our annual celebration event held at Condover Hall.
Whilst at Condover our young people had the opportunity to take part in some great outdoor activities such as Canoeing, Archery, Vines, Abseiling and Laser Conquest. The activities were fun but a challenge and took the young people out of there comfort zones! 😊
The trip was a thank you to members of Wolverhampton Youth Voice groups who provide an important and vital role in co-production of services for young people and are a critical friend of the Council.
In total 28 young people attended representing our key Voice Groups:
Find out more about opportunities available to young people and Get Involved here.
 Youth Councillor has say on new neighbourhood
Gianni Tanner Youth Councillor for Moreton School was involved in the The Big Reveal St Georges Event.
City of Wolverhampton Council and Capital&Centric have teamed up with Royal British Institute of Architects (RIBA) for an international design competition to create an exciting new neighbourhood at St George’s in Wolverhampton.
Gianni joined other Young People from across the region to meet the Architects and have real input into the plans before they were shared for further public consultation. Read more
Gianni really enjoyed the day and planned to use what he discovered as part of his Coursework!
 Same Difference Festival 2024
Young volunteers joined the Youth Engagement Team at this year's Same Difference Festival, held at West Park earlier last month.
The event which was co-produced with the help of the YES Board was an opportunity to recruit more young people to get involved and join one of the city's Youth Forums.
Get Involved.
 Race Equality and Youth Summit 2024
A number of our Youth Voice members joined the Youth Engagement Team at the Race and Equality Youth Summit 2024.
Hosted in Birmingham by the Youth Combined Authority there were some amazing inspirational speakers and workshops focusing on the real issues that young people may be facing today!
Get Involved
 Calling all Young People and their Parents/Carers
Are you a young person aged 11–25? Or a parent/carer of one? Do you want to do something fun and constructive in your spare time? Meet new people? Are you passionate about being a voice for Wolverhampton?
Then why not join one of our forums to have your say about how you want your City to be run. Some of our Activities include, Meetings, Innovative Projects, Training and Fun Activities
YES Board - young people who have been allocated pots of money to help commission youth projects and activities across the city.
Youth Council – a group that promotes the voice of young people in developing and leading on projects to improve facilities and services for young people. Working with Councillors and Directors, involved in community action and work with local Youth Ambassadors.
Children In Care Council - representing the children and young people cared for by City of Wolverhampton Council.
Family on Board Forum - Focusing on the Family Hubs across the city and focus on the support offered to young people and families in Wolverhampton.
HY5 Youth Forum – children and young people who have additional needs and disabilities and have a have a passion to be the voice of change.
Find out more.
 Get moving with Yo! Active 🌟
Unlock a world of FREE, exciting sports for children and young people by signing up for your Yo! Active membership today!
Find out more on activities available and how to apply here.
Yo! Wolves October half term Monday 28 October to Friday 1 November. Free activities for children and young people find out more and to book here. |
Youth Council Elections. Registration for schools and nominations will start soon for the election of Wolverhampton's Youth Council for 2025.
The declaration event will be held in January 2025.