Welcome to our
October 2024 E- Bulletin
We want to hear from you!
- Have you received information, advice or support form IASS?
- Do you follow us on social media?
- Have you attended one of our workshops or spoken with us at community events we have attended?
- Are you a professional who has referred into the service or work with us to support local families?
Even by receiving this e-bulletin we want to know about your experience using our service.
This helps us to feedback locally to Wolverhampton Council and Black Country ICB who commission our service. We also feedback nationally to the Department for Education and the Council for Disabled Children who continue to support and fund IAS services nationally. Without this funding we cannot deliver the service we offer.
That’s why your feedback is so important to us to make sure we continue to deliver the right service for Wolverhampton families.
In whatever capacity you have used or interacted with us we would be grateful if you take 5 minutes of your time to complete our survey:
Wolverhampton IASS Survey Jan - Dec 2024 - City of Wolverhampton Council - Citizen Space
IASS Autumn Term Training Events for Parents and Carers
Support during exams: access arrangements
Monday 7th October 2024 at 10:00am
Location: Brickkiln Community Centre, Cherry Street Wolverhampton, WV3 0QW
Book at: Access Arrangements Parent Workshop Tickets, Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite
IASS joins Wolverhampton's Specialist Teachers from the SEND Early Identification and Support Service for this session about the support available children and young people during exams, otherwise known as access arrangements.
This session will provide you with the information you need about how access arrangements work, how schools identify pupils that may need access arrangements, the testing process and what that means for your child.
Staff from the Specialist Teachers service and IASS will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have related to access arrangements.
SEN Support
Tuesday 15th Oct 2024 at 10:30am
Virtual online training Book at: SEN Support - The Graduated Approach Tickets, Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 10:30 AM | Eventbrite
A one hour virtual training session for parents and carers to learn more about Wolverhampton's Graduated Approach to supporting children and young people in education within the city. Learn what support you can expect for your child and how you and your child will be involved.
EBSNA (Emotionally Based School Non- Attendance)
Tuesday 26th November at 10:00am
Location: Low Hill Family Hub, 26- 28 Fourth Avenue, WV10 9LZ
Book at: EBSNA (Emotionally Based School Non- Attednance) Tickets, Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite
IASS joins Wolverhampton’s Inclusion team to deliver information and advice about the Emotional Based School Non-Attendance Pathway.
Emotional based school non-attendance is the term used to describe children and young people who are experiencing difficulties attending school due to emotional factors.
In the session we shall cover:
- What the pathway is and why it is needed
- The early warning signs that support may be needed
- What support is available and what this may look like
- Self-help for children and young people
- How you can support as parents and carers
Michelle Dudley, Wolverhampton’s the Emotional Based School Non-Attendance Coordinator and Michelle Reid from Wolverhampton IASS will be there to answer any questions about the pathway and support available.
This session is for parents and carers only. Professionals can access advice and support from Michelle Dudley direct by following the EBSNA Pathway schools guidance.
Yo! Wolves: October half term activities
Throughout October half term, organisations across Wolverhampton are hosting activity sessions for children to enjoy.
Events include seasonal arts and crafts, sports, cooking, animal handling, sensory play sessions, football camp, film making and music production.
New activities will be released over the coming weeks, so check in and book your child's place at: Events | Wolverhampton Young Opportunities (yowolves.co.uk)
Autism West Midlands: Autism & Girls webinar
Tuesday 8 October 9:30am to 10:30am
Book at: Autism and Girls - WebinarNinja
Autism West Midlands offers its 'Autism and Girls' free webinar on 8 October at 9:30am.
The session will discuss why girls often find it more difficult to obtain a diagnosis, particular challenges autistic girls may face, the internalised autistic profile and how to support autistic girls.
The Witherslack Group: Upcoming Webinar Events
SEN Conference: Strategies, Support and Success For Our Children
Wednesday 9 October 10:00am to 3:00pm
Book at: Virtual SEN Conference: Strategies, Support & Success For Our Children - Witherslack Group
The Witherslack Group invites parents and carers to its 9 October Virtual SEN Conference focusing on 'strategies, support and success for our children'.
Gain tools for success, guidance on building self- esteem, life, communication and social skills and support into employment.
The Witherslack Group welcomes parents and carers to its free 16 Oct webinar 'ADHD & Burnout: Signs, Causes And Coping Strategies'.
Discover the importance of identifying early signs of burnout, providing supportive strategies to help avoid or minimise the impact.
Base 25 Opportunities
Base 25 café, 29-31 Temple St, Wolverhampton WV2 4AN
SEND Solutions Surgery
IASS is pleased to announce in partnership with Base 25 we will be delivering our SEND Solutions surgery on the last Thursday every month.
Our next drop in is on 31 October from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Pop in for a chat with Elaine and Lauren for information and advice on matters relating to special educational needs and disability for children and young people up to 25 years
For more information about Base 25 visit their website: Base 25 – Supporting young people in Wolverhampton
Base 25 offers 16 to 25 year old its employment mentoring hub. Gain support with education, training and employment opportunities whilst also focusing on developing your emotional wellbeing.
Gain guidance on developing your CV, learn how to search for prospective jobs, enhance your interview skills and gain additional emotional health support if you are currently struggling within your setting. Available on:
Monday: 4pm-7pm Wednesday: 4pm-7pm Friday: 9am-12pm Saturday: 12pm-4pm
Base 25 offers its Wellbeing Hub to 11 to 25 year olds. Gain low level therapeutic support through mentor guidance, 1:1 support, attend group sessions and gain bespoke advice and guidance to help to improve your emotional health and wellbeing. Available on:
Monday: 4pm-7pm Wednesday:4pm-7pm Friday: 9am-12pm Saturday:12pm-4pm
SIBS: for brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults
Sibs exists to support people who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister. It is the only UK charity representing the needs of over half a million young siblings and over one and a half million adult siblings.
Have you thought about running group support for young siblings? Their sibling group leader training session will give you all the information you need to plan, run and evaluate your own local siblings group. It is taking place online via Zoom on Wednesday 13th November 2024 at 9:15am to 1:15pm.
For more information and on how to book visit: Sibling group leader training - Sibs
Find out more about SIBS at Home - Sibs
Anti Bullying Alliance:
Parent Carer Pack
To celebrate Anti Bullying Week, The Anti Bullying Alliance has created a parents and carers pack; a toolkit to help you have conversations with their children about bullying.
Discover all about bullying, conversation starters, activities and further advice and support.
Access at: ABW Parents Pack 2024.pdf (anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk)
VoiceAbility Advocacy Service
The City of Wolverhampton Council has appointed VoiceAbility as its new advocacy service provider.
Advocacy helps to ensure that people's voices, wishes and preferences are heard, their rights are upheld, and their needs are met, particularly when they have difficulty in speaking up for themselves or are concerned that they are not being heard.
“If you or someone you know feels they do not have enough of a say in decisions about treatment or care, if you want to understand your rights, or would like support while going through social care or NHS services, VoiceAbility is there to help you to get your voice heard.”
To make an enquiry or referral, please email helpline@voiceability.org, call free on 0300 303 1660, or to find out more about what the service offers in Wolverhampton visit the VoiceAbility website: VoiceAbility | Wolverhampton
Start for Life Offer
The Start for Life Offer provides information in one place, to help families to identify the support and services that will help them give their babies the best possible start in life.
Learn about health visits, midwifery care, infant feeding peer support, support after having a baby, family hubs, safeguarding the Healthy Child app and more.
Access the information booklet at: Start for Life Booklet.pdf (govdelivery.com)
Wolverhampton Fireworks:
West Park 1st November
Wolverhampton's fireworks display takes place on 1st November at West Park. Delivered by British Fireworks Champions Komodo Fireworks, this display will quite literally ‘Paint the sky' across the city.
You can also enjoy the funfair, food and drinks stalls and live music featuring the ‘Now I’m Here’ Queen tribute band on until 10pm.
Book your tickets at: Wolverhampton Fireworks - Komodo Events
Complete our evaluation survey
Wolves IASS is always grateful for the wonderful feedback we receive from families that have benefitted from our service.
If you have been supported by IASS previously, we would love to hear about your experience with us.
Please complete our evaluation survey at: Wolverhampton IASS Survey Jan - Dec 2024 - City of Wolverhampton Council - Citizen Space
Follow us on social media
We post lots of information and advice on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Pages to keep you aware and informed of upcoming events, activities, useful resources and other information:
@wolvesiass |
@wolvesiass |
@wolves.iass |