Welcome to our June ebulletin
We hope you enjoyed a relaxing half term week with glorious weather too!
Some events and articles in this month's ebulletin are happening this week so be sure not to miss out.
Chat with IASS
Thursday 10th June 10.30 -11.30am
Bring your cuppa and your questions! Join our Lisa and Elaine from the IAS team for an informal Q&A session and general chat on anything related to SEND. We will share some of the frequently asked questions about school based SEN support and EHCPs.
Click to book a place via Eventbrite
EHCP Annual Reviews
Wednesday 23rd June 1.00 – 2.00pm
All you need to know about the EHCP annual review process.
The session will cover:
The law and guidance around annual reviews
The process for an annual review and the decisions that can be made by the local authority
What you can do if you don’t agree with the decision made following the annual review
Click to book a place via Eventbrite
Covid-19 Updated Guidance
The following guidance has been updated after the further easing of lockdown restrictions in May.
SEND and specialist settings - additional operational guidance: COVID-19.
This guidance should be read alongside the main pieces of guidance for schools and post-16: Schools COVID-19 operational guidance and Further education COVID-19 operational guidance, which have also been updated to reflect the changes.
Following the emergence of new variants of Covid-19, the City of Wolverhampton Council wrote to headteachers last month recommending that face coverings continue to be worn in the city’s secondary schools. The council reviewed the situation during the half term break and, in light of rising infection rates in other parts of the country, is asking the city’s schools to continue encouraging the wearing of face coverings for a while longer. The Council is also encouraging pupils and family members to get a free rapid Covid-19 test twice a week so that they can be reassured that they don't have the virus.
Common Ground Project
Changing Our Lives is running a new project in Wolverhampton, working with young disabled people to enable them to build connections in their community.
The project "Common Ground" aims to support young disabled people to establish meaningful connections with their non-disabled peers, to improve their wellbeing mental health and tackle social isolation.
If you are aged 14-25 years old and are interested in getting involved and meeting new people who have similar interests contact Craig at craig@changingourlives.org or Georgia at georgia@changingourlives.org
Read more about the Common Ground Project.
Preparing for Adulthood event
The Preparing for Adulthood team is organising a joint network to bring partners together from the East and West Midlands and Yorkshire and Humberside to explore how to support people with learning disabilities into employment.
The free online session is for everyone involved in working with children and young people with additional needs and supporting them into employment including family members and will be held on Tuesday 22nd June 2021 from 10:00 am -1:00pm. The flyer has more details about what will be covered at this event.
Supported internship opportunities for young adults with Education, Health and Care Plans
DFN Project SEARCH in partnership with NHS England, Health Education England, NHS Improvement and NHS Employers has set up 42 new funded supported internship programmes providing 500 placements in Hospital Trusts across England by September 2022. This is a great opportunity for young adults with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) to access these supported internship programmes with a clear goal of transitioning into work.
DFN Project SEARCH is committed to working in partnership with schools and FE colleges across the country to deliver this quality assured supported internship model and curriculum. They are looking for education partners who are keen to be involved and have at least 10-12 young people with EHCPs each year who would benefit from joining the programme.
There are two options to attend an online seminar for those who would like to find out more. The dates are the 8 June from 10.00 AM – 11.00 AM or the 9 June 3.30 PM – 4.30 PM. To book on to either of the events please follow this link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nhs-and-dfn-project-search-partnership-tickets-153838991565. You can also contact carmel.mckeogh@dfnprojectsearch.org or claire.cookson@dfnfoundation.org for further information.
Support group for parents and carers of children with autism
Virtual sessions using Microsoft teams to talk to someone about autism, meet other parents and carers, discuss challenges and find out what support is available.
Thursday 10th June
Thursday 8th July
See flyer for further information or if you wish to attend, please email EmbraceAutismWV@outlook.com
 11th June 2021 10am to 11:30 am https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/149148309609
9th July 2021 10am to 11:30am https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/149148584431
HugglePets in the Community
HugglePets in the Community offers both 1:1 sessions and group therapy sessions for members of the community to book themselves on to. They also deliver sessions in schools across Wolverhampton and the Black Country to help children and young people and support their mental health and wellbeing.
You may have seen the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited the HugglePets Sensory Activity Centre and Community Aquarium, where they met with a number of children from Loxdale Primary School who attend weekly Animal Assisted Intervention sessions.
Visit the HugglePets website for more information.
Mental Health Awareness
To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on Thursday 13 May visited Wolverhampton to find out more about local organisations which support children and young people with their mental health and wellbeing. Read more about the royal visit.
Mind Your Words: children and young people's mental health
The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists has developed free, online training to ‘improve understanding of children and young people who have both mental health needs (or social emotional and mental health needs) and speech, language and communication needs'
Mind Your Words is a free online course designed to support those working with children and young people with mental health needs.
Mind Your Words – Free e-learning course | RCSLT
Online Grief Support Group
This new online Grief Support Group gives grieving young people the opportunity to meet others who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling or other close relative. This informal peer support group for young people aged 13-18 years old is overseen by Winston’s Wish Bereavement Support Practitioners.
Online Grief Support Groups for young people | Winston's Wish
 Join Black Country Healthcare and NHS Trust for a friendly online conversation about the specialist services available for people with complex mental health needs.
Complex mental health needs - public Tickets, Mon 21 Jun 2021 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
Become a Governor of Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHFT)
Are you 16 years or over and live in either Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Dudley or Birmingham and the wider West Midlands?
Are you passionate about the NHS and want to make a difference by helping shape the future of mental health, learning disability and children’s services?
If so, why not nominate yourself in this year’s governor elections to become a Governor of Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHFT). As a governor, you will sit on the Assembly of Governors and represent your own views and the views of local people, as well as have the opportunity to shape the future and delivery of services that better meet the needs of the people that we serve.
If this is an opportunity that you have been looking for, don’t delay in submitting your application online at www.cesvotes.com/blackcountry2021 from Wednesday 2 June.
Closing date for nominations is 5pm on Wednesday 30 June.
You can find out more about the governor role by clicking on the below links or by attending one of our drop in sessions:
Joining details for Zoom
Tuesday 8 June
2.00pm - 3.00pm
Meeting ID: 923 0774 7603 Passcode: mqB8Px
Monday 14 June
5.30pm - 6.30pm
Meeting ID: 935 6089 3500 Passcode: 8nTDRa
If you have any queries or would like to request a hard copy nomination form, contact Ciara Hutchinson at Civica Election Services on 020 8889 9203 or email ftnominationenquiries@cesvotes.com
Alternatively, do not hesitate to get in touch with Erica Pearce on 0121 612 8061 or email bchft.membership@nhs.net / erica.pearce@nhs.net.
More details on BCHFT website
Please help us to increase our Social Media following
We post lots of information and advice on our Facebook and Twitter Pages to keep you aware and informed of upcoming events, activities, useful resources and other information.
If you don't already please follow us on Facebook and Twitter
@wolvesiass |
@wolvesiass |
@wolvesiass |
Share your news
We are always happy to share information on our e-bulletins which help to promote a relevant and appropriate service which will be informative and of interest to our readers.
We aim to add short and punchy stories, facts and information. Please add web-links wherever possible & any necessary documents in PDF.
Please e-mail your information to ias.service@wolverhampton.gov.uk
We send out the e-bulletin monthly around the first Monday of the month, so we would appreciate this being sent to us by the middle of the previous week.
Our next e-bulletin will be sent out around Monday 5th July so please send any inserts by Monday 28th June.