Housing Bulletin - December 2023

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Housing Bulletin 
December 2023

Hello from Jane Martin

As we head towards the festive season, I’d like to wish you a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year. If you’ve taken annual leave, I hope you enjoy the jolly season with your family / friends and have a well-deserved break. If you are working over the holidays – thank you for keeping our vital services running for our residents.

As you know this year, we’ve focussed on our Housing Transformation Programme, and how we are helping improve our services for residents.

Jane Martin_Housing

Over the course of the year, we have taken some fantastic steps forward. But as 2023 comes towards a close, it’s always nice to reflect on some key achievements:

  • Workstream 1 – Repairs and Caretaking
    • Working with MSPS we’ve reduced our outstanding historic repairs. In March there were 1493 and at the end of November there’s 362.
    • Published our new Caretaking and Grounds Maintenance service standards and introduced our pilot Caretaking scheme on two of our estates.
  • Workstream 2 – Regulatory Reforms
    • Appointed HQN to support and help us prepare for compliance with new Social Housing Regulations
    • Launched our dedicated complaints team, and performance this year on stage 1 complaints has improved to 86% responded to on time.
  • Workstream 5 – Reshaping Homelessness Support
    • Launched our new Housing Sustainment Team at Leyton Family Hub.
    • Reintroduced our face-to-face appointments at Leyton Library.
  • Workstream 7 – Housing Digital Programme
    • Went live with the NEC electronic document management system in the Tenancy Management team.
  • Workstream 8 – Culture
    • Launched our Housing Staff Induction programme.  

I’d like to thank all for your hard work, efforts and commitment. We would not have been able to achieve any of this without you.

Finally, looking towards 2024 with a couple of dates for your diary:

  • Wednesday 17 January from 9:15am - we’ll be hosting our next Housing Staff Briefing.
  • Thursday 8 February from 1pm – we’ll be hosting our next Housing staff induction session at Cedar Wood House.

If you haven’t received these invites – please email Rachael Bowey or Tara Walsh, Leadership Support Assistants, who'll forward them on to you.  

Best wishes 

Housing offices opening times during the festive period

Cedar Wood House will be closed from 6:00pm on Friday 22 December until 8:00am on Tuesday 2 January. If you have not taken annual leave during this time (27 – 29 December), please either work from home or visit the Town Hall where you will be most welcome.

Cedar Wood House_external

Please find the Leyton Library opening times below:

  • Wednesday 27 December - closed
  • Thursday 28 until 30 December - open
  • Tuesday 2 January - open.
Leyton Library

Before we close for the festivities, please can you…

  1. Check your desk and surrounding areas in CWH to ensure it is left in a clean and tidy manner. Remember we operate in a clear desk policy.
  2. Tidy up and remove any food or anything perishable in the office (don’t forget the fridge). In our absence, while the building is locked, we do not want to encourage any pests.

If there’s anything you need to raise with facilities about these arrangements, please let your line manager know.

Preparing for the Social Housing Regulation – TSMs

In preparation for the Social Housing Regulation Bill, we commissioned the Housing Quality Network (HQN) to support us get ready for the new regulatory regime.

Preparing for new regulatory regime_HQN

In June they delivered a briefing session for staff covering the new legislation. Among other things, the new legislation will reinstate housing inspections, publish a new set of key performance indicators, and implement redesigned and expanded consumer rules.

Refresh & review the slides.

As part of the new Regulatory Regime for Social Housing the government is introducing a new set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) to help residents scrutinise their landlord’s performance. In April 2023, we instructed KWest, a market research organisation to survey tenants’ views, so far, they have completed three out of the four surveys this financial year.

Taken from our Resident News magazine, here are some examples of our performance against the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures for the last business year (2022-2023).

TSM_Resident News_December 2023

Have you signed up to our latest training courses?

The Housing Transformation Programme (HTP) is pleased to be able to offer some training courses as part of a pilot training programme for housing staff. 

HTP_Staff workshop_April 2023

In January 2024, we have two training courses delivered virtually by HQN. If you are interested in either course, please use the booking form. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. If demand is high, we may be able to run the courses more than once.

  • Tuesday 23 January from 10am - Understanding our residents and their experiences
    • Audience – Frontline staff and those in resident facing roles.
    • Agenda – the importance of resident experience, and the key elements of great customer experience.
  • Tuesday 30 January from 10am – Managing a dispersed team
    • Audience – Team leaders or those with line management responsibilities
    • Agenda – since the pandemic organisations and employees have embraced the transition to remote working, and while there are clear advantages to this, there can be some challenges too. Find out how you can keep your team communicating, collaborating and connecting.

Book your place today

For more information or any questions please email Elinor Green, NDGP Graduate Management Trainee.

Osier Way will welcome its first residents in late January 2024

On Friday 15 December Waltham Forest was officially recognised as a Borough of Sanctuary.

Osier Way_Leyton

This brilliant news goes hand in hand, with our acquisition of 197 new homes at Osier Way, Leyton from the developer Pocket Living. The acquisition forms a critical part of the Council’s Refugee Housing Programme, with 117 of these flats available to house eligible refugee households. Longer term, these homes can be made available for residents in general housing need on the council’s Housing Register list, adding to the supply of much needed council housing in our borough.

Our Tenancy, Place and Assets teams are working hard to ensure our first residents are ready to move in late January 2024.

Waltham Forest is officially recognised as a Borough of Sanctuary

Working together to prevent and stop housing fraud

Last month marked International Fraud Awareness Week. Throughout the year our Tenancy Officers and the council’s Corporate Anti-Fraud Team (CAFT) are working together to prevent and detect housing fraud that happens at the expense of the council, borough and the wider community. This is to make sure public funds go to those who genuinely need it.


Between April and November 2023, the council has:

  • recovered 31 properties where there is an allegation of tenancy fraud,
  • 54 properties are awaiting civil legal court action,
  • 14 properties are awaiting eviction,
  • refused six housing succession applications,
  • the CAFT also directly stopped six Right to Buy applications as a result of investigations, which equates to £767,400 in maximum discount savings.

Working together to prevent and stop housing fraud

Domestic abuse survivors’ homes to be professionally furnished in pilot scheme

A new partnership between housing association Peabody, the charity Furnishing Futures and ourselves, will see the organisations working in partnership to create professionally designed, fully furnished homes for domestic abuse survivors. 

Furnishing Futures_Living Room

Many survivors flee abusive relationships with nothing, worried about the future and potentially facing furniture poverty. With minimal finances, vulnerable families must choose between living without furniture or taking out expensive loans. This scheme will provide safe, affordable, and ready-furnished homes for survivors to move into and rebuild their lives.

Read more about the new pilot scheme 

Increasing housing supply through our new Private Rental Scheme

Local demand for housing is increasing, and the supply of affordable properties is limited. We know the only way out of the housing crisis is to build more family homes for social rent but until we can do that, we need to increase supply through other means. One way of doing this is working with local Landlords to increase the number of private rented properties available for local households.

Our Procurement Team has launched their new Private Rental Scheme (PRS) for Landlords offering long-term accommodation solutions to local people in housing need.

Landlords that sign up for the private rental scheme can receive:

  • Financial incentives
  • Full tenancy checks and tenant finding service
  • Free property accreditation
  • Landlord insurance

Find out more about the Private Rental Scheme

You can help someone sleeping rough


Each year local authorities must report the number of rough sleepers on a particular night. This information is then submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to help inform the national statistics of rough sleeping in the UK. 

Remember if you are concerned about someone sleeping rough please use StreetLink to connect them to local services. 

Make a StreetLink referral

Forest Connect: Our Housing intranet pages are live.

Forest Connect, our new corporate SharePoint intranet, is coming in a phased approach. Behind the scenes we have been doing a lot of work to transfer all our information over from Forest Hub, the old site to the new site.

Our Housing intranet pages are now live. The site hosts lots of information this includes news, events, induction information, service plans, Speak Up Champions to name a few. As it’s a SharePoint site, it is incredibly clever plus the search functionality is brilliant. Save the link in your favourites and check them out.

Forest Connect Housing homepage

Forest Connect_Housing homepage

Celebrating Making Change Happen – VAWG

Mietta Barling_VAWG

This month the council’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) team held their event ‘Making Change Happen’ celebrating all the work done through this innovative approach since it launched in February 2022. Mietta Barling, Housing's Domestic Abuse lead presented at the event. 

The work includes:  

  • facilitating training and supporting local businesses and communities to disrupt misogyny and respond to VAWG.
  • providing advice and casework support to survivors.
  • creating a street harassment reporting app.
  • working with schools and colleges to prevent and address VAWG and misogyny.

We are committed to making women and girls feel and are safe, and where everyone knows that any form of violence against women and girls is not tolerated in our workplaces, schools, or any parts of our communities.

Domestic abuse intranet

Domestic abuse leaflet

TARSO team holds virtual advice session for residents in TA

TARSO_Virtual Advice Session_Dec 23

This month the Temporary Accommodation Resettlement Support Officer (TARSO) team held their second virtual advice session for residents in Temporary Accommodation (TA). 

During the session they covered:

  • Cost-of-living advice – shared information on the Warm Home Discount, Social Tariffs, Household Support Funds and further deals and offers such as Community Kitchens.
  • Education and employment - the Adult Learning Services (ALS) promoted their range of training options available, including English and Digital skills training courses.
  • Health and wellbeing - the ALS also promoted further courses plus we covered volunteering opportunities, such as Legend of the Forest, as well as our Warm Spaces – Community Living rooms.
  • Move on advice - Making appropriate use of your bidding – Understanding bidding icons and property descriptions. Other Housing Option – Private rented (Find Your Own Scheme) Shared Ownership.

The next session will be held in March, for more information please contact Shereen Millington, the TARSO Team Manager.

Housing Digital Programme update

The Housing Digital Programme, part of the Housing Transformation Programme, works on improving our digital services for our residents and tools for staff.

Last month the NEC electronic document management system went live in the Tenancy Management team, and since then they have uploaded 717 documents.

Next area to benefit from this new system will be the Housing Assets Teams, followed by the rest of the Housing service. This new system will be used to store resident facing documents and will ensure staff can access these making it quicker to search, more efficient and secure place to store them.  

More information will be coming soon regarding timelines, training and go live dates – but please keep your eyes peeled for when the team contacts you.

If you would like to know more, please contact Rajesh Sharma, Business Analyst in the Housing Digital Programme Team.

Policy corner with Dena Rafati - 23 January 2024

Dena Rafati, Housing Strategy and Implementation Officer, will share key policy updates to help keep you informed and updated about issues which could impact the Housing service.

We’ll be holding a virtual policy session on the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill on Tuesday 23 January 2024.

An invite to this session will arrive in due course.

The Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill

Dena Rafati

Nominations open for the Waltham Forest Design Awards 2024

Passionate about local architecture and design? Nominate a project for a Waltham Forest Design Award!

We want to hear about brilliant buildings and amazing spaces that look great and meet the needs of people who use them like making them safe, environmentally friendly, and inclusive.

Waltham Forest Design Awards

To enter, read the criteria and submit a nomination for a project worthy of a Waltham Forest Design Award on the Let’s Talk website by Friday 5 January 2024.

Nominate a project in the Waltham Forest Design Awards

Cost of living support for our residents

We know that many residents will continue to struggle with the cost-of-living crisis during the winter. Please check our website for the latest information available to help residents.

Find more information on our website

your crisis our action cost of living

Our Community Living Rooms have expanded

We now have an expanded network of 27 Community Living Rooms across the borough. These are spaces that anyone can drop in and use – to get warm, socialise, get food, and take part in activities.

Many of the spaces will also offer information, support and guidance – e.g. Citizens’ Advice Bureau drop ins, sessions with our Digital Champions, or advice from representatives from the London Renters’ Union.

cost of living

View our living rooms and their offerings on the website

Check out the lower bills calculator

To help bring energy bills down, this year we have a Lower Bills Calculator. Residents can put their information into the short form, and it will show them what kind of support they can access to help bring down their energy bills. 

Lower bill calculator

Some residents will be able to collect free DIY materials to install themselves, and certain households will be eligible for free energy efficient upgrades installed for them.

Read more about our winter energy support

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