Cedar Wood House - housekeeping rules on food as of Wednesday 7 June 2023

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Cedar Wood House - housekeeping rules on food

Dear colleagues,

On the second floor of Cedar Wood House, we currently have a lot of flies causing a nuisance; this was caused by food on the counter in the main room not stored properly, and they’ve been multiplying.

Facilities have been notified and are dealing with this as a matter of urgency. We've organised the following: 

  • Wednesday 7 June - from 5pm today there will be a fumigation of Cedar Wood House. 
  • Thursday 8 June - cleaners have been booked to perform a deep clean first thing tomorrow morning.
Joe Garrod

Please use alternative work spaces

If the second floor is your usual workspace, but you would feel more comfortable working elsewhere, please either use other floors of Cedar Wood House, the Town Hall or work from home. If you are unable to find a desk, please speak to your Line Manager. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please store food correctly to prevent pests

Whilst we appreciate everyone likes sharing snacks in the workplace, poor storage of food can cause an uncomfortable working environment and annoying pests. To prevent this from happening we’d like to remind you of a few housing keeping rules for when you are in the office.

  1. Keep food safe and fresh - to keep you in a nice, safe working environment please do not leave any food on your desks / lockers / communal spaces. At the end of each day please either:
    • put it in seal proof container
    • take it home with you
  2. Kitchen facilities – each floor has a fridge in the kitchen, please use these to keep food safe. These are cleared out regularly but please be mindful.
  3. Throw it away – if the food / snacks are no longer needed or gone off please put in the bin for the facilities team to dispose of at the end of day. 

As a matter of urgency please can you clear up any food left out in the communal spaces. I thank you for your support and help with this matter.    

Best wishes, 

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