Chief Executive's Message - Monday 5 June

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Monday 5 June 2023

I have welcomed the news that we have delivered more than £29million in ‘social value’ benefits for our residents between 2021-22.

‘Social value’ relates to the wider financial and non-financial value we make through our day-to-day activities for the wellbeing of our residents and the environment.

Part of the £29million has included creating hundreds of sustainable jobs and work placements and initiatives aimed at reducing crime and projects that all contribute to building better places for our communities. If this seems like a huge amount for last year - this year we are on track to exceed £35million to continue making a real difference to our residents.

Social Value - Delievered outcomes

At our last Full Council meeting (25 May) I was delighted that the recommendation for Linzi Roberts-Egan as our new Chief Executive was confirmed.

We also had our new Mayor confirmed. Cllr Roy Berg will be taking over from Cllr Karen Bellamy for the upcoming year. And a number of our councillors also had their portfolios updated.

Lastly, the LGC awards will take place on Thursday for which we have been nominated for not one but two awards: the first for Diversity and Inclusion, and the other for Large Team of the Year - Property and Delivery Service Team. It is great to see all our hard work being recognised - congratulations to our finalists.

Have a good week.
