This newsletter is for everyone working with children and adults in Waltham Forest.
Please share with your colleagues and encourage them to sign up to get it regularly.
 Waltham Forest's Safeguarding Adults Board is pleased to present this year's programme for Safeguarding Adults Week 2022!
Councillor Louise Mitchell, Cabinet Lead Member for Adults, is supporting this work.
How can you support? Sign up for and share links to training (which covers emerging safeguarding themes) across your teams.
Training sessions on offer:
On Monday 21 November, 10 to 11.30am:
Self-neglect and unwise decisions: principles in support and safeguarding (with mental capacity element) – co-delivered by NELFT Named Professional for Safeguarding Adults, Matt Lazard and Adult Social Care Team manager, Tim Stubley
On Tuesday 22 November, 10.30am to 12pm:
Fire risks: the dangers of hoarding (for professionals and carers) - co-delivered by Cognitive Behavioural Therapist with expertise in hoarding behaviour, Dr. Satwant Singh, and Chingford Fire Station Commander, Chris Mattingley
On Wednesday 23 November, 9.30 to 11.30am:
Workshop on avoiding safeguarding risks for carers and the cared-for person – co-delivered by All Age Carers Strategic Lead, Saddique Ahmed, Young Carers Project Officer, Satvinder Bhatt, Barts Health' Ash Halkhoree, and Waltham Forest’s Safeguarding Adults Board Independent Chair, Deborah Cohen
On Thursday 24 November, 10 to 11am:
Transitional safeguarding – supporting young people at risk of exploitation, spotting signs of modern slavery (related to county lines / gang activity and making an NRM) – co-delivered by Gangs Task Force Police Officer Richard Graham, Change Grow Live's Amy Sims, Spark2Life's Roshad Gibbons and LBWF social worker Max Woods
On Friday 25 November, 10 to 11.30am:
Safeguarding vulnerable residents during the cost-of-living crisis - co-delivered by DWP’s Partnership Manager Jakir Hussein, Citizen Advice Bureau’s Ferah Aydin and Community Action Manager Daniel Hibbs-Wooding
POhWER, alongside Barnardo’s, now provides a range of free and independent advocacy services to the residents of Waltham Forest, helping people to get their voices heard.
POhWER will provide:
- Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
- Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) including the Relevant Paid Person's Representative (RPPR) service
- Independent Care Act Advocacy (CAA)
- Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCAS)
Barnardo's will provide:
- Independent Advocacy for Children in Care (CIC) and care leavers (between the ages of 5 and 25)
- Children’s Young People Independent Visitor Service for children in care (between the ages of 5 and 18)
One Panel receives referrals on cases that may meet statutory review criteria, such as a Safeguarding Adults Review, Child Safeguarding Practice Review (previously known as Serious Case Review) or Domestic Homicide Review.
One of the emerging themes to come from One Panel touches on the importance of encouraging safe sleeping practices for newborns and babies.
The resources provide information and guidance for parents on reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and support health professionals to have effective conversations about safer sleep.
 Did you know that tackling modern slavery in Waltham Forest is a priority for the Safeguarding Adults Board? Information on how to identify and report modern slavery and exploitation in Waltham Forest:
Additional resources to learn how to identify and support victims of modern slavery:
This newsletter is brought to you by the Strategic Partnership Boards, which is made up of Waltham Forest Safeguarding Children’s Board, Safeguarding Adults Board, Health & Wellbeing Board and SafetyNet (our Community Safety Partnership).