Your chance to thank people who make a difference in Waltham Forest

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Summer starts here

29 September 2022

‘Our chance to thank the people who make a real difference to our lives’

I’m so pleased to announce that we’re launching our Pride of Waltham Forest Awards. It’s the first opportunity since before the pandemic to recognise and thank the people in our communities who make a real difference to our lives and I can’t wait to see all your stories about local people who have gone that extra mile to help.

We're asking you to nominate Waltham Forest residents who have done something special, no matter how small, to help make the borough a better place. Whether it's a single act of kindness to a neighbour or hours of volunteering with local groups or communities – we want to know and celebrate them. This is our opportunity to give something back to them and recognise just how important they are. You can find full details and nominate on our website now.

As I mentioned last week, please join me next Wednesday, 5 October, for our special online Q&A on Facebook to discuss the cost-of-living crisis. It’s a chance for you to get clear, unbiased information from local experts as we head towards what looks likely to be a difficult winter for many in Waltham Forest. You can read more details about the event and how to ask questions below.

This week I wrote to Thérèse Coffey, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, to remind her of the Government’s commitment to fund a new Whipps Cross hospital. Along with the Leader of Redbridge Council, Cllr Jas Athwal, we have invited her to visit Whipps to see for herself the unacceptable conditions staff and patients experience day-to-day, and to discuss the proposals. You can read the full letter and background to our cross-party Whipps Won't Wait campaign here.


Cllr Grace Williams, Leader of Waltham Forest Council

What's on in Waltham Forest this week

Friday 30 September to Thursday 6 October 2022





Discover all events on our website.

Celebrate our local heroes

The Pride of Waltham Forest Awards logo

Nominate a local hero in your neighbourhood who has made a positive impact in your community!

We’re celebrating the best in our borough as part of the Pride of Waltham Forest Awards. Read about the awards and categories on our website, and apply below. We’re taking nominations until Friday 21 October 2022 so get them in soon.

Nominate now

Join us to talk about the cost of living emergency

First in a series of live online information events. Advice on financial help and energy bills

On Facebook next Wednesday 5 October from 5.30pm we’ll be holding an online seminar on the cost of living emergency, led by the Council Leader Cllr Grace Williams, and joined by Cllr Vicky Ashworth, cabinet member for Jobs, Social Inclusion and Equalities, Nazmul Khalique (Citizens Advice) and Simon Hodson (The HEET Project) to talk about practical, simple steps we can all take to reduce bills and save money.

We’ve already received almost 100 questions from local people, including about where to ask for assistance if you’re struggling, advice on how to keep warm and safe this winter, and how to keep your family fed with healthy, cost-effective meals. Submit your questions today and we’ll try and answer as many as possible during the session. If you need advice straight away, please visit our website

And don’t worry if you are not on Facebook. You can still watch the online seminar by visiting the page on 5 October. We’ll also share the recording with you afterwards so you can watch anytime.

Join us next Wednesday

Whipps Won't Wait: our letter to the Secretary of State

Whipps Won't Wait

Cllr Grace Williams, Leader of Waltham Forest Council, Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, Cllr Jas Athwal, Leader of Redbridge Council, Wes Streeting MP, John Cryer MP and Stella Creasy MP, support the Whipps Won't Wait campaign in October last year

The Leader of Waltham Forest Council has written to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care as part of our long-running, cross party Whipps Won't Wait campaign.

Cllr Grace Williams welcomed Thérèse Coffey to her new role and filled her in on the background to the campaign, which we launched with our neighbours, Redbridge Council.

The Government recently announced £28 million of funding to build a car park and improve access to the site, which will help preparations for work on the much-needed hospital to begin.

Read the letter

Black History Month begins

A man and woman look after a child's hair

Placing local community groups, museums, libraries and local schools at the very heart of operations, Black History Month 2022 celebrations in Waltham Forest will see a jam-packed programme of events and activities take place across the borough in honour of our Black community. It kicks off this Saturday 1 October with a sold out evening of poetry, prose and musical performances at the William Morris Gallery, courtesy of the WF Twinning Association, but you can find more BHM events on our website

And join Lekia Lée, former broadcast journalist and founder of Project Embrace, for a free three-hour workshop for carers on understanding how to manage black children’s hair in your care, as part of BIPC Waltham Forest Black History Month.

Hosted by Project Embrace and sponsored by hair care company Boucléme, the event takes place at Leytonstone Library on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 October between 2pm to 5pm. Get free tickets.

Pension divestment success

Green piggy bank

Waltham Forest Council has become the first local authority in the UK to completely divest its directly managed pension funds away from fossil fuels. It follows our announcement in 2016 that it would do so. UK pension funds have an estimated £128 billion invested in fossil fuels according to research by Friends of the Earth in 2021 – equivalent to £1916 per UK citizen! Local government pension funds account for £10 billion of this.

Divesting from fossil fuels helps us move away from high-emission energy sources towards renewable ones such as solar, wind, and tidal. In the same year as European temperature records were once again smashed, the importance of this work has never been clearer.

Full story

Help to buy food and milk

Fruit arranged in a heart-shaped bowl

Image: Jamie Street/Unsplash

Are you pregnant or a parent/carer of children under four years old? You may be eligible for the Healthy Start scheme. If so, you will receive a payment card that is topped up with money to use in shops to spend on healthy food. Check if you're eligible and apply.

Rhyme time

Close up of the word poetry being spray painted on a wall

Image by Trust ‘Tru’ Katsande/Unsplash

It's National Poetry Day on Thursday 6 October and this year's theme is The Environment.

As part of Waltham Forest’s National Borough of Storytelling events we are running a poetry competition for all children and young people from reception to sixth form/college. We are inviting them to submit a written or typed poem up to 150 words in length. The winning entries will be displayed and used on various promotional material as part of storytelling events taking place across the borough.

We will select three winners from each category (primary, secondary and sixth form/college) with each winner receiving a £50 shopping voucher.

Take part

Helping residents spot the signs of modern slavery

A police officer and residents pose with information leaflets about modern slavery

This week, officers from Waltham Forest Met were out and about speaking to over 500 residents about spotting the signs of modern slavery.

Modern slavery is happening and we want our residents to be able to know what the signs are, and where to refer if you’re worried about someone.

Some of the signs people may display include:

  • unexplained injuries and/or they look neglected
  • they seem to be controlled or always watched by another person
  • they are anxious, scared, withdrawn, distrustful or lack confidence
  • they may live and work in the same place and/or don't know their work or home address

Help someone at risk

Quit smoking, start saving!

Man gives thumbs up as he poses with broken cigarette

Stoptober is back and runs from 1 to 31 October. To get you over the first 31 days without smoking, people who live and work in Waltham Forest can get free confidential advice to help them give up at Quit Right Waltham Forest. It’s a service provided by Queen Mary University London, offering tips on how to stay on track. You can also download the free NHS Quit Smoking App to track your progress and watch this video to find out more about how Quit Right has already helped residents.

Information and support

  • Help during the cost of living emergency
    Are you struggling with debt or not sure how you are going to pay your bills as fuel and other costs rise? We have collected lots of advice to help. You can find information on things such as financial support, grants and local food banks on our website. Please seek help and don't suffer alone.

  • Give your immunity a boost
    Pump up your immunity this winter with the Covid-19 and flu vaccines. If you develop flu and Covid-19 at the same time, the symptoms are likely to be more serious. Some people can get both the flu and the Covid-19 booster vaccines, and it's safe to have them at the same time. Find out more and how to book.

Opportunities for residents

Learn new skills with our Adult Learning Service

Did you know that Waltham Forest Adult Learning Service offers a range of courses and training opportunities? If you're looking to gain a qualification, learn a new skill, start your own business, improve your wellbeing or develop your creativity, the Adult Learning Service may have a course that suits you. Check out our online course finder.

Could you become a Community Health Champion?

Community Health Champions are local residents who will support their neighbours and help us shape the borough into a happier and healthier place.

Want more information? We're holding sessions all across the borough until October. Visit the Leyton Orient Trust website to find out more and apply.

Current council vacancies and other local jobs

We regularly update the vacancies and local jobs listing on our Adult Learning website. Explore available job opportunities and apply for roles that suit you. 

And you can find the latest Waltham Forest Council jobs online on our website or LinkedIn.

Find a job

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