Residents' News 11 November

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Residents' News

Walthom Forest

This week I'll have the pleasure of spending time with many of our young people taking part in the Youth Climate Summit. I've heard their genuine concerns and worries for the future around our climate, and whilst what comes out of COP26 in Glasgow is vital, we also know we can do a lot locally.

47 schools across the borough were involved in the Climate Summit to hear more about the crisis facing our planet, and learn about how our behaviours and actions can make a real difference to getting our borough to achieve its goal of being net zero by 2030. Climate change will have the greatest effect on the next generation, and we owe it to them to empower them with the tools and skills they need to build a better future. And as COP26 ends, I'll be thinking about how I can do more to live a greener lifestyle. I hope you'll join me; get started with our list of ten small changes that will make a big difference.

Today is Armistice Day when we remember those who fought to keep us free. We raised a flag at Fellowship Square after a ceremony this morning with the Royal British Legion and local schoolchildren to honour those who served and continue to serve our country. There will also be civic ceremonies on Remembrance Sunday 14 November, taking place across the borough.

'Their sacrifice created the freedoms we enjoy today – we will never forget.'



Youth Climate Summit

Youth climate summit

Waltham Forest's first Youth Climate Summit is happening throughout this week, with a programme of learning activities and inspirational educational resources designed for young people.

The information is also accessible to everyone in Waltham Forest and beyond who wants to learn about how to help with the climate emergency.

Youth Climate Summit

Ten ways to live more sustainably


There are lots of ways that we can all live more sustainably - from cutting down on waste, shopping locally and using less water – some of which might help you save money in the process.

Our ten 'Free things you can do' includes helpful advice and information about the array of interventions you can make to reduce your carbon footprint.

Learn more

Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy: have your say!

Fellowship Square

The Council wants to know what your neighbourhoods mean to you, how you live and where investment should be made.

One of the ways you can have your say is by letting the Council know how the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) is spent.

The Council collects NCIL funds from new developments within the borough that can be invested in Waltham Forest. The consultation will be open until 14 January 2022.

Share your views

International Fraud Awareness Week


November 14-20 is International Fraud Awareness Week, so check out our social media channels throughout next week to find out how the Council is tackling fraud, and for tips on how you can be savvy and avoid common scams.

If you suspect that someone is committing fraud, bribery or corruption, the Council wants you to report it.

Call our fraud hotline 24 hours a day on 0300 003 1099 or you can email us at

Your help is vital and could make a real difference to make sure that public funds go to those that genuinely need it.

You can make referrals anonymously and any information you provide will stay confidential.

Report fraud

Help stop the spread of Covid-19 


Coronavirus is still here so it's important to stay safe and protect yourself and others.  

In the seven days up to 5 November there were just under 700 cases of residents catching the virus in Waltham Forest.

Here’s how you can stay safe:

  • Get vaccinated and take your Covid-19 booster vaccine when offered.
  • Social distance in crowded places.
  • Self-isolate when instructed to do so.
  • Wear a face mask in crowded indoor public spaces.
  • Test regularly at least twice a week, even if you think you're well.
  • Let fresh air in if you meet indoors. Meeting outdoors is safer.

Need your 1st, 2nd or booster vaccine?


You can walk in and get your first, second or booster dose this week at locations across Waltham Forest this week.

Please note, if you’re going for your booster, you must book ahead on the phone numbers provided or via this link.

For first and second, you can walk-in.

Walthamstow Library, E17 7JN: 0203 1963 239

Saturday 13 November 10am-3pm

Jubilee Centre, E11 4LA: 0203 1963 239

Sunday 14 November 10am-4.30pm

St Edmunds Church, E4 8JL: Book online

Friday 12 November 9am-7pm

Saturday 13 November 9am-5pm  

Covid-19 vaccine

Are you drinking more during the pandemic?

Worried about drinking too much?

Next week is #AlcoholAwarenessWeek and the focus this year is alcohol and relationships.

Whether you know you should cut back or quit drinking, or want to find out if you are drinking too much - we can help through our confidential alcohol test and the drinkcoach app that you can download for free.

Free, discreet and confidential support is available to help you cut back or quit.

Download drinkcoach 

UN Youth Delegate interview

Serena and Clyde

Meet Serena, 23, attending her fifth COP event as a UN Youth Delegate.

The climate activist and Waltham Forest resident took time out from the summit to chat remotely with Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for the Environment, Cllr Clyde Loakes, about what she hopes COP26 will achieve.


Have your say on new developments


The Local Plan Site Allocations Document consultation maps out where development could happen across the borough, and allows you to have your say on how these sites can best meet your needs. 

The consultation is open until 14 January 2022.


National Graduate Development Programme


Waltham Forest Council is participating in the National Graduate Development Programme to find and develop the next generation of local government leaders.

By recruiting locally, as well as through the national scheme, we hope to create opportunities for local residents who have a greater understanding of the challenges the borough faces.

Find out more with our drop in session or read the job description.

More info

Vaccines for 12- to 15-year-olds


12 to 15-year-olds can now get their vaccine either through their school clinic or at one of our clinics across the borough.

Here are the options to book this week:

Walthamstow Library, E17 7JN:

Saturday 13 November 3pm-5.30pm  

Jubilee Centre, E11 4LA:

Sunday 14 November 4pm-5.30pm  

St Edmunds Church, E4 8JL:

Friday 12 November 9am-7pm

Saturday 13 November 9am-5pm  

The Covid-19 vaccine will give your child the protection they need this winter.

Book your vaccine

Crime and Community Safety Citizens’ Panel


We are working hard to ensure residents feel safe, and to do this we know we need to hear your views to better understand your experiences and how we can support our communities into the future.

We are looking for a broad and balanced mix of residents to join our Crime and Community Safety Citizens’ Panel which will help us shape our community safety plans and activities.

Panel members will be given a £50 voucher for their contribution. Applications will close on November 21.

Find out more

Sign the Whipps Cross petition

Why sign the Whipps Cross petition

To make sure Waltham Forest gets the Fair Deal it deserves, the Council continues to demand the funding Whipps Cross desperately needs.

Our much-loved hospital is ageing and Whipps staff and patients deserve a brand new hospital now. As one supporter of #WhippsWontWait said: “Now the time has come to have a new, state of the art hospital, to allow the amazing docs and nurses to be even better than they are.”

If you need more reasons to sign the petition, be inspired by why some people are saying #WhippsWontWait.

Sign the petition

What's on at Fellowship Square in November?

Come down and enjoy a great range of events at Fellowship Square, your new community space. Don’t forget the daily fountain, music, and light shows!

Thursday Nov 11: Choirfest at Fellowship Square - The Stowicks 7pm to 8pm

Sunday Nov 14: Remembrance Sunday Civic Ceremony – flag 11am to 12:15pm - Remembrance Sunday Service

Thursday Nov 18: Choirfest at Fellowship Square - The Stowicks 7pm to 8pm

Saturday Nov 20: ChoirFest at Fellowship Square - Natural Voices 7pm to 7.30pm

Saturday Nov 27: Christmas Tree Lights iIlumination (TBC) 6.30pm

Sunday Nov 28: ChoirFest at Fellowship Square – Norrsång Choir 3pm to 3.30pm

Monday Nov 29: Albanian Independence Day and Liberation Day, Albanian flag

Tuesday Nov 30: St Andrew’s Day, saltire

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