Spotlight on 16 Days of Activism

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November 2021: Spotlight on 16 Days of Activism

This newsletter is brought to you by the Strategic Partnership Boards, which is made up of Waltham Forest Safeguarding Children’s Board, Safeguarding Adults Board, Health & Wellbeing Board and SafetyNet (our Community Safety Partnership). It’s aimed at everyone working with children and adults in Waltham Forest. Please share with your colleagues and encourage them to sign up to get it regularly.

What is 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence?


How are we marking 16 Days in Waltham Forest?

There are a number of training sessions and events taking place during the 16 days to raise awareness of violence against women and girls.

Colleagues across the partnership are invited to join these events, which will take place between 25 November and 10 December.

See full list of training and events here

16 Days of Activism displays across Waltham Forest


Waltham Forest’s libraries, children centers and leisure centers will feature 16 Days of Activism displays, raising awareness about the prevalence of domestic abuse and signposting survivors to a range of local and national domestic abuse support services.

The Domestic Abuse Drop In continues to operate across Leyton, Walthamstow and Chingford children and family centres.

Waltham Forest's local support services for domestic violence

Facts about violence against women and girls

  • 11 women and girls are raped or sexually assaulted in each London borough every week
  • The vast majority of forced marriage cases are young people aged between 17 and 25 
  • 82% of all individuals forced into marriage are female 
  • Over 60,000 girls under 15 are at high risk of FGM every year in England and Wales
  • CSE (affects boys too and) is generally perpetrated by men
  • 85% of women in prostitution report physical abuse in the family

HOE STREET: powerful short film about street-based sexual harassment

Please watch this powerful short film by Liz Biggs, in conjunction with the photographer Hannah Starkey and producer Ruth Board. It’s called HOE STREET, and documents the everyday experiences of women and street harassment in Walthamstow.

HOE STREET short film


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