Residents have until Monday 14 December 2020 to share their views on the Local Plan, which will set out the planning framework for development in the borough until 2035.
There are two different forms to complete to share yours views as different questions need to be answered for each of the two parts of the Local Plan.
Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies sets out the policies which will be use when deciding planning applications that are received by the Council.
This includes housing, transport, medical facilities, open spaces and school provision among other policies.
Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations identifies 68 possible sites across the borough where development may take place.
Because a site is included in this document is does not mean building will take place as developers would need to bring forward proposals which meet the plans and are acceptable for each site.
When the consultations close on Monday 14 December 2020 a team of officers will look at every comment made by residents and consider its impact on the Local Plan.
A report will be prepared on the consultations and presented to the Cabinet during early 2021.
Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Polices will then be submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government who will appoint an independent Planning Inspector to hold a public hearing on the content.
Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations will be subject to further public engagement during 2021 so residents can see changes made following public views expressed this autumn.
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