Hoarding lights going up for safety reasons

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St James' Quarter News

Walthom Forest

Safety lighting to be installed on hoardings

74 Brunner Road hoardings with lights cropped

A series of lights will soon be installed on the hoardings around the site at 74 Brunner Road.

On the hoarding closest to other residents red lights will be installed which will be on continuously so motorists entering Brunner Road are aware of the development.

The red lights will be visible but should not be bright enough to disturb residents nearby.

On the other hoardings yellow or white lights will be installed to illuminate the way for pedestrians using the footpaths around the site.

These lights will also be on constantly but due to the direction they are facing we do not anticipate them causing any disturbance.

Noisy generator switches to mains power

74 to 79 Brunner Road CGI

Contractors at 74 Brunner Road have occasionally had a generator running overnight to power drying equipment so their staff have dry protective clothing to wear the following morning.

The noise from that generator has caused some disturbance to local residents who raised it with the Council.

Agreement has now been reached that from next week the drying equipment will be powered from the main supply, so the generator does not need to be used.

Get more details on this scheme

Share your views on Draft Local Plan Site Allocations in virtual engagement meetings

Draft Local Plan Site Allocations cover 2020

During November we have a programme of virtual events where residents can find out more about and share their views on the sites put forward as part of the Local Plan

Planning Policy officers will be on line at six virtual meetings. Details are on the Engagement Events section of the website.

Please reserve your place so you can be sent the link for the meeting.

Let us know you're coming


You can also read the document online and submit your views using the feedback link on the website.

Find out more about the Site Allocations document

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