Some Waltham Forest Council Planning Policy officers will be in Leytonstone High Road at junction with Grove Road, Leytonstone on Saturday 10 October 2020, 10am to 4pm.
Social distancing rules will apply.
If you can't make this drop-in event, there will also be the opportunity for residents to take part in online meetings for South Waltham Forest during the consultation period.
The planning application, reference 194162, for a new Lee Valley Ice Centre, was discussed by Waltham Forest Council's Planning Committee on Tuesday 6 October 2020.
The Committee was told there were 560 letters of support and 119 against the proposals.
The Committee was minded to grant approval for the application subject to conditions being agreed. It will also need approval from the Mayor of London.
The application includes:
- phased demolition of the existing building
- erection of a new community twin pad ice centre
- changing rooms
- a gym including exercise studio
- cafe
- planting 143 new trees
- amendments to the existing car parking area to provide integrated swales, landscape and biodiversity enhancements.
The Planning Committee can be watched on line so you can see what was said at the meeting.
Sunshine and Shakespeare were the ideal combination for a sell-out success when the Langthorne Park amphitheatre hosted two shows of Shakespeare highlights.
Both performances attracted a lot of local people to see their favourites from the Bard as well as give advice to Romeo on how to woo Juliet while maintaining two metres social distancing.
Watch out for more performances in our parks next year and then join in the fun.
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