![Whipps Cross Hospital Aerial View with labels](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/UKWALTHAM/2020/07/3490477/whipps-cross-aerial-and-labelled-photo_original.png) Barts NHS Trust has made an application for prior approval to demolish disused buildings on the site of the old nurses' accommodation at Whipps Cross Hospital, which supports the proposed redevelopment of the Whipps Cross site.
The Government has given rights for the demolition of buildings without full planning permission, however, in most circumstances prior to demolition of buildings the owner must ask the Council to decide if prior approval is required for the method of demolition and proposed restoration of the site.
These are the only factors that the Council can consider. The Council must make a decision within 28 days.
Details of the application, reference number 201548, can be seen on the Council's web page and residents have 21 days from the date of validation to submit their views for consideration by the Council.
Barts NHS Trust has submitted a business case to the Government outlining the options available for improving hospital facilities at Whipps Cross.
The demolition of the former nurses' accommodation is included in all the options.
All the options include providing maternity, accident and emergency services as well as the other core services offered at the current hospital.
The aim is to build a modern hospital in one building as the current, sprawling layout of the hospital is not suitable for modern healthcare.
We were pleased at the Government’s announcement that Whipps Cross will be one of six hospitals to benefit from a fund of £2.7 billion to deliver new and improved hospitals. The land released for redevelopment provides the opportunity for much needed new homes which will also support the funding of the new hospital.
The Trust is working with the Council to look at building new homes and other community facilities on the site. They anticipate this will include an assumption of 50 per cent affordable housing and will look at the demand for key worker housing as part of this.
The emerging plans also provide an opportunity for using parts of the site for other health care services, community facilities, commercial space, new open spaces and public realm.
![Nextdoor banner regeneration](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/UKWALTHAM/2020/04/3334725/regeneration_original.png) Click on the image for more details
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