Hylands Road Housing Development planning application approved

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Hylands Road V2 191113 looking west at play areas for social media

An artist's impression of the new homes - view looking west at play areas

Hylands Road News

Walthom Forest

Across Waltham Forest the Council is working to deliver more affordable homes for local people, including Council homes for rent and for shared ownership where local residents get the first option to buy so they can get a foot on the housing ladder.

The Greater London Authority’s annual monitoring report, published in October 2019, shows we have provided more affordable housing – at 42% – than any other London borough since 2015. This is compared to just 17% across the capital.

An important part of these developments is delivering improved transport services, new health hubs, schools and community facilities alongside new shops and work spaces to provide local jobs.

Plans approved for 100% affordable housing development

Hylands Road CGI

This week the Council was given planning approval to build around 120 new homes on land In Hylands Road, Walthamstow.

All the new homes will be affordable and for local people.

The Council's own development company, Sixty Bricks, will be managing this development which will be built by Engie.

The proposals include:

  • a mix of one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments
  • 13 of the homes will be fully accessible
  • Landscaping including play space for pre-school age children
  • Secure cycle storage within the building for all residents
  • nine parking bays for use by blue badge holders
  • Solar panels will be fitted on the development

Find out more about the proposals

What happens when?

Hylands Road V£ looking east from Fernhill Court

Now that planning permission has been granted it is hoped to start initial work on site later this month.

The first work will be to erect hoardings to make the site secure.

The garages are due to be demolished early in 2020 and the aim is for the first residents to move into their new rented homes by summer 2022.

Throughout the work residents will be kept in touch with what is happening through our email newsletter so please encourage friends and neighbours to sign up so they get their own copy direct to their inbox.

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