All the options include providing maternity, accident and emergency services as well as the other core services offered at the current hospital.
The aim is to build a modern hospital in one building as the current, sprawling layout of the hospital is not suitable for modern healthcare.
We were pleased at the Government’s announcement that Whipps Cross will be one of six hospitals to benefit from a fund of £2.7 billion to deliver new and improved hospitals. To finance a modern hospital there will need to be new housing on some of the site.
That housing will include affordable housing and the aim is for it to include homes that are for key workers at the hospital: including nurses and doctors.
Working with the Hospital Trust, this will help the Council to meet the ambitious target to build 18,000 new homes in Waltham Forest over the next decade.
The plans also propose using parts of the site for other health care services, community facilities, commercial space and new open spaces and public realm.