Anfonwyd ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru / Sent on behalf of Welsh Government
Saesneg yn isod / English below
Albert Heaney Dirprwy Cyfarwyddwr Cyffredinol Deputy Director General Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Health and Social Services
At: Rheolwyr Cofrestredig ac Unigolion Cyfrifol (Gwasanaethau Cartrefi Gofal i Oedolion)
15 Rhagfyr 2020
Annwyl Gyfeillion
Rydym yn ymwybodol bod argaeledd gwagle digonol i gefnogi ymweliadau gan sicrhau pellter cymdeithasol wedi bod yn broblem i rai darparwyr cartrefi gofal. Mae hyn yn arbennig o anodd yn ystod misoedd y gaeaf.
Cyhoeddodd y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol gynllun peilot podiau ymweld ar gyfer cartrefi gofal ar 23 Tachwedd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ariannu cynllun peilot lle bydd podiau ymweld yn cael eu llogi dros dro i greu gwagle ychwanegol er mwyn i gartrefi gofal i oedolion fedru cynnal ymweliadau gan sicrhau pellter cymdeithasol. Mae rhai podiau ymweld wedi’u caffael yn uniongyrchol gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac maent yn cael eu cyflenwi am ddim i gartrefi gofal sy'n cymryd rhan yn y peilot am gyfnod o 26 wythnos. Mae darparwyr gwasanaethau cartrefi gofal i oedolion sy'n dymuno cymryd rhan yn y cynllun wedi cyflwyno datganiadau o ddiddordeb. Hysbyswyd yr ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus ac mae'r podiau ymweld sydd ar gael wrthi’n cael eu danfon iddynt. Gall cartrefi gofal y dyrannwyd pod ymweld iddynt o dan y cynllun peilot hwn wneud cais i gael gafael ar arian i dalu am gostau yswiriant ychwanegol yr eir iddynt mewn perthynas â'r pod tra bydd yn ei le ar safle'r cartref gofal drwy'r Gronfa Galedi Llywodraeth Leol.
Efallai y bydd rhai darparwyr gwasanaethau cartrefi gofal i oedolion yn dymuno gwneud eu trefniadau cyfatebol eu hunain yn uniongyrchol gyda chyflenwyr, gan logi eu pod ymweld eu hunain. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dyrannu hyd at £1 filiwn o gyllid yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon (2020-21) i alluogi i ddarparwyr hawlio ad-daliad o'r costau llogi ymlaen llaw ac unrhyw gostau yswiriant ychwanegol yr eir iddynt mewn perthynas â'r pod tra bydd yn ei le ar safle'r cartref gofal drwy'r Gronfa Galedi Llywodraeth Leol.
Hawlio ad-daliad o gostau sy'n ymwneud â llogi podiau ymweld o dan y cynllun peilot podiau ymweld sydd wedi'i drefnu gan gartrefi unigol:
Mae pod ymweld yn strwythur ymweld dros dro/lled-barhaol cwbl gaeëdig a fydd yn cael ei leoli ar dir y cartref gofal a'i ddefnyddio i gefnogi ymweliadau. Mae ymweliadau a gynhelir yn y strwythurau hyn yn cael eu hystyried yn ymweliadau 'dan do.
Meini Prawf
- Mae'r cynllun ar gael i ddarparwyr gwasanaethau cartrefi gofal i oedolion nad oes ganddynt ddigon o le dan do ar hyn o bryd i groesawu ymwelwyr mewn ffordd ddiogel o ran COVID.
- Mae'r cynllun ar gael ar gyfer y podiau hynny sydd wedi'u darparu i’w llogi (nid i'w prynu) yn unig, am gyfnod o hyd at 26 wythnos. Bydd angen i'r darparwr dalu am y cyfnod llogi i'r cyflenwr ymlaen llaw. Dylid cyflwyno ceisiadau am ad-daliad i Lywodraeth Cymru erbyn 26 Chwefror. Bydd angen i ddarparwyr ddarparu tystiolaeth sy'n dangos y costau yr eir iddynt ar gyfer y cyfnod llogi. Y darparwr unigol fydd yn talu am unrhyw gyfnod llogi ychwanegol y tu hwnt i'r cyfnod cychwynnol o 26 wythnos.
- Nid yw darparwyr sydd wedi derbyn pod ymweld a drefnwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru o dan y cynllun peilot yn gymwys i gael ad-daliad o gostau llogi ar gyfer uned ychwanegol.
- Os oes gan ddarparwyr wasanaethau cartref gofal lluosog, dim ond un cais i logi un pod ymweld y cânt ei gyflwyno.
- Dim ond trefniadau llogi a wnaed ar neu ar ôl 23 Tachwedd 2020 ac sy’n bodloni'r meini prawf sy'n gymwys i gael mynediad i'r gronfa.
- Mae myneniad i'r cyllid yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon (2020-21) ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin hyd nes y dyrennir yr holl arian.
- Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyfrannu hyd at £20,000 am bob pod sy’n cael ei logi, sy'n cynnwys hyd at 26 wythnos o gostau llogi, costau yswiriant sy'n gysylltiedig â chyflenwi, costau asesu ymlaen llaw, costau danfon, costau gosod, costau symud a TAW na ellir ei adennill.
- Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd yn cyfrannu at gostau yswiriant ychwanegol tra bo'r pod ymweld yn ei le ar safle'r darparwr (gweler isod). Y darparwyr fydd yn gyfrifol am sicrhau bod trefniadau yswiriant priodol ar waith.
- Rhaid i’r darparwyr ddarparu tystiolaeth sy'n dangos y costau yr eir iddynt ac sy'n cael eu hawlio.
- Bydd darparwyr yn cynnal safonau atal a rheoli heintiau sy'n gyson â'r cyngor yn nogfen 'Ymweliadau â chartrefi gofal: canllawiau i ddarparwyr’ Llywodraeth Cymru ynghylch ymweliadau o dan do. Mae’r ddogfen ar gael drwy'r ddolen yma.
- Bydd darparwyr yn cwblhau asesiad risg penodol yn ymwneud â defnydd diogel o'r pod ymweld ar gyfer eu safle sy'n cynnwys atal a rheoli heintiau (gan gynnwys trefniadau glanhau), staffio a threfniadau archebu.
- Mae'r darparwr a'r cyflenwr yn gyfrifol am y trefniadau sy'n gysylltiedig â chyflenwi, arolygu, danfon, gosod a symud ac ati.
Noder: O ystyried yr heriau eithriadol sy'n deillio o COVID-19, mae'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol wedi gofyn i Awdurdodau Cynllunio Lleol gymryd agwedd gadarnhaol at eu hymgysylltiad â chartrefi gofal lleol a sicrhau nad yw rheolaethau cynllunio yn rhwystr i gefnogi cyswllt â theulu a ffrindiau yn ystod cyfnod yr ŵyl. Mae'r Gweinidog wedi gofyn i Awdurdodau Cynllunio Lleol beidio â cheisio cymryd camau gorfodi cynllunio a fyddai'n arwain at gyfyngu'n ddiangen ar gyfleoedd i ymweld â chartrefi gofal. Dylid nodi, fodd bynnag, fod y canllawiau hyn yn ymwneud yn benodol â phodiau ymweld dros dro a byddai angen cyflwyno cais cynllunio i'r Awdurdod Cynllunio Lleol ar gyfer unrhyw strwythurau a osodir ac y disgwylir iddynt aros yn eu lle am fwy na 6 mis.
Dylai pod ymwelwyr sy’n cael ei gaffael gan y darparwr fodloni'r fanyleb sylfaenol ganlynol:
- Strwythur ymweld allanol dros dro/lled-barhaol cwbl gaeedig a fydd yn cael ei leoli ar dir y cartref gofal a’i ddefnyddio i gefnogi ymweliadau;
- Digon mawr i sicrhau pellter cymdeithasol o 2 fetr o fewn y pod ymweld - e.e. gyda phreswylydd, ymwelydd a gofalwr (os oes ei angen i gefnogi'r ymweliad);
- Yn hygyrch, gyda rampiau wrth fynedfeydd os oes angen (yn dibynnu ar amodau'r safle a graddiant);
- Gwres digonol yn ystod y gaeaf – dim gwresygydd sy’n chwythu aer;
- Awyru digonol – ffenestri sy’n agor neu ddull mecanyddol arall o awyru;
- Yn addas i gefnogi mesurau atal a rheoli heintiau priodol gan gynnwys arwynebau hawdd i’w diheintio a’u glanhau (dim carped);
- Goleuadau digonol/goleuadau argyfwng.
Bydd darparwyr hefyd yn dymuno ystyried: nifer y mynedfeydd sydd eu hangen; y defnyddio o sgriniau os yw'n briodol (mae'r defnydd o sgriniau* yn ddewisol a dylai fod yn destun asesiad risg a gwblhawyd gan y darparwr); mynediad at gyfleusterau hylendid dwylo; yr angen am offer dolen glyw os oes angen; ffordd o alw am gymorth; dodrefn priodol.
* Gall podiau sydd â sgriniau o’r llawr i’r nenfwd a dwy fynedfa ddarparu mesurau diogelu ychwanegol pan fo cyfraddau trosglwyddiad cymunedol yn uchel.
Sut i hawlio am gostau pod ymwelwyr:
Rhaid i ddarparwr sy'n dymuno hawlio lenwi'r ffurflen ar ddiwedd y llythyr hwn a'i chyflwyno i Lywodraeth Cymru drwy e-bost i’r blwch cyn gynted â phosibl ac erbyn dydd Gwener 26 Chwefror.
Bydd tîm polisi cartrefi gofal Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi gwybod i'r darparwr am ganlyniad eu cais drwy neges e-bost a ddaw oddi wrth
Os caiff ei gytuno a'i gadarnhau gan Lywodraeth Cymru, dylai'r darparwr gyflwyno'r cais drwy'r Awdurdod Lleol ochr yn ochr â'i gais misol arferol am y codiad cenedlaethol ac unrhyw unrhyw lefydd gwag. Dylai'r darparwr roi gwybod i’r Awdurdod Lleol am yr e-bost gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn cadarnhau canlyniad y cais.
Hawlio costau yswiriant ychwanegol sy'n ymwneud â llogi podiau ymweld o dan y cynllun peilot:
Yn amodol ar yr arian sydd ar gael, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ad-dalu unrhyw gostau yswiriant ychwanegol sy'n gysylltiedig â llogi pod ymweld o dan y cynllun peilot hwn am hyd at 26 wythnos.
Mae'r cynllun hwn ar gael i ddarparwyr gwasanaethau cartrefi gofal i oedolion sydd wedi derbyn pod ymweld sydd wedi’i gaffael gan Lywodraeth Cymru neu sydd wedi llogi pod ymweld ar neu ar ôl 23 Tachwedd 2020 o dan y cynllun peilot.
Costau yswiriant ychwanegol yw'r rhai sy'n ymwneud â cholled neu ddifrod i'r pod ymweld tra bydd yn ei le ar safle'r darparwr.
Mae mynediad i'r arian ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin hyd nes y dyrennir yr holl arian. Y darparwyr unigol fydd yn talu am unrhyw gostau yswiriant yr eir iddynt i dalu am wythnosau ychwanegol y tu hwnt i'r cyfnod o 26 wythnos.
Dim ond un hawliad am gostau yswiriant ychwanegol y gall darparwyr ei gyflwyno ar gyfer un pod ymweld sydd wedi’i gaffael gan Lywodraeth Cymru neu a ariennir o dan y cynllun peilot.
Mae darparwyr yn parhau i fod yn atebol am unrhyw gostau yswiriant dros ben pe bai hawliad yn cael ei wneud mewn perthynas â'r pod ymweld tra bydd yn ei le ar eu safle.
Sut i wneud cais am yswiriant:
Rhaid i ddarparwr sy'n dymuno hawlio lenwi'r ffurflen ar ddiwedd y llythyr hwn a'i chyflwyno i Lywodraeth Cymru drwy e-bost i’r blwch cyn gynted â phosibl ac erbyn dydd Gwener 26 Chwefror.
Bydd tîm polisi cartrefi gofal Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi gwybod i'r darparwr am ganlyniad eu cais drwy neges e-bost a ddaw oddi wrth
Os caiff ei gytuno a'i gadarnhau gan Lywodraeth Cymru, dylai'r darparwr gyflwyno'r cais drwy'r Awdurdod Lleol ochr yn ochr â'i gais misol arferol am y codiad cenedlaethol ac unrhyw unrhyw lefydd gwag. Dylai'r darparwr roi gwybod i’r Awdurdod Lleol am yr e-bost gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn cadarnhau canlyniad y cais.
Yn gywir,
ALBERT HEANEY Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Cyffredinol
Copi at: Cyfarwyddwyr Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yr Awdurdodau Lleol
Albert Heaney Dirprwy Cyfarwyddwr Cyffredinol Deputy Director General Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Health and Social Services
To: Registered Managers and Responsible Individuals (Adult Care Home Services)
15 December 2020
Dear Colleagues,
We are aware that the availability of sufficient visiting space to support socially distanced visits has been an issue for some care home providers. This is particularly difficult during the winter months.
The Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services announced a care home visiting pod pilot scheme on 23 November. The Welsh Government is funding a pilot scheme for the hire of temporary visiting pods to create additional space for adult care homes to enable socially distanced visits. Some visiting pods have been sourced directly by the Welsh Government and are being supplied free of charge to care homes taking part in the pilot on a temporary basis for a 26 week period. Providers of adult care home services wishing to participate in the scheme have submitted expressions of interest. Successful applicants have been notified and the available visiting pods are being delivered. Care homes that have been allocated a visiting pod under this pilot scheme are able to apply to access funds to cover additional insurance costs incurred in relation to the pod, whilst it is in situ at the care home premises, via the Local Government Hardship Fund.
Some providers of adult care home services may wish to make their own broadly equivalent arrangements directly with suppliers to hire their own visiting pod. The Welsh Government has allocated up to £1 million funding in this financial year (2020-21) to enable providers to claim reimbursement of the upfront hire costs, and any additional insurance costs in relation to the visiting pod whilst it is in situ at the care home premises, via the Local Government Hardship Fund.
Claiming reimbursement of costs relating to visiting pod hire under the visiting pod pilot scheme which is self arranged:
A visiting pod is a temporary/semi-permanent fully enclosed visiting structure to be located in grounds of the care home and used to support visits. Visits undertaken in these structures are classed as ‘indoor’ visits.
- The scheme is available to providers of adult care home services who do not currently have sufficient indoor space to accommodate visitors in a COVID secure way.
- The scheme is only available for those pods which have been provided on a hire basis (not for purchase) to cover a hire period of up to 26 weeks. Payments covering the hire period will need to be made up front by the provider to the supplier. Claims for reimbursement should be submitted to Welsh Government by 26 February. Providers will need to provide evidence demonstrating costs incurred for the hire period. Any additional hire period beyond the initial 26 week period will be at the individual provider’s own expense.
- Providers who have received a visiting pod organised by the Welsh Government under the pilot scheme are not eligible for reimbursement of hire costs for an additional unit.
- If providers have multiple care home services they may only submit a single bid for hire of one visiting pod.
- Only hire arrangements made on or after 23 November 2020 and meeting the criteria are eligible to access the fund.
- Access to the funding in this financial year (2020-21) is on a first come first served basis until all the funding is allocated.
- The Welsh Government will contribute up to £20,000 per hire, comprising up to 26 weeks hire costs, insurance costs associated with delivery, pre-assessment costs, delivery costs, installation costs, removal costs and irrecoverable VAT.
- The Welsh Government will also contribute to additional insurance costs while the visiting pod is in situ at the provider’s premises (see below). Providers are responsible for ensuring appropriate insurance arrangements are in place.
- Providers to provide evidence demonstrating costs incurred and being claimed.
- Providers will maintain infection prevention and control (IP&C) standards consistent with the advice in the Welsh Government ‘Visits to care homes: guidance for providers’ document regarding indoor visits, available at the link here.
- Providers will complete a specific risk assessment to cover safe use of the visiting pod for their premises covering IP&C (including cleaning arrangements), staffing, and booking arrangements.
- Provider and supplier are responsible for the arrangements involved in supply, survey, delivery, installation and removal etc.
To note: Given the exceptional challenges from COVID-19, Local Planning Authorities have been asked by the Minister for Housing and Local Government to take a positive approach to their engagement with local care homes, and ensure that planning controls are not a barrier to supporting contact with family and friends during the festive period. The Minister has requested that Local Planning Authorities do not seek to undertake planning enforcement action which would result in unnecessarily restricting care home visiting opportunities. It should be noted however that this guidance relates specifically to temporary visiting pods, and any structures installed that are expected to remain in place for more than 6 months will require a planning application to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority.
A visitor pod sourced by providers should meet the following basic specification:
- An external temporary/semi-permanent fully enclosed visiting structure to be located in the grounds of the care home and to be used to support visits;
- Big enough to achieve 2 metre social distancing within the visiting pod - e.g. with a resident, visitor and a carer (if needed to support the visit);
- Accessible, with ramps at entrances if required (dependent on site conditions and gradient);
- Adequate heating during the winter - not to be blown heating;
- Adequate ventilation – opening windows or other mechanically ventilated options;
- Suitable to support appropriate IP&C measures including easily sanitised and cleanable surfaces (not carpet);
- Adequate lighting/emergency lighting.
Providers will also wish to consider: the number of entrances required; the use of screens if appropriate (use of screens* is optional and should be subject to a risk assessment completed by the provider); access to hand hygiene facilities; the need for hearing loop equipment if required; means of calling for assistance; appropriate furnishings.
* Pods with floor-to-ceiling screens and two entrances can provide additional safeguards where community transmission rates are high.
How to make a claim for a costs of a visitor pod:
A provider wishing to make a claim must complete the form at the end of this letter and submit it to the Welsh Government via email to as soon as possible and by Friday 26 February.
Welsh Government care homes policy team will notify the provider of their claim outcome by e-mail via
If the claim is agreed and confirmed by the Welsh Government, the provider should submit the claim via the Local Authority alongside their normal monthly claim for the national uplift and any voids. The provider should provide the Local Authority with the agreed claim outcome email from the Welsh Government.
Claiming additional insurance costs relating to visiting pod hire under the pilot scheme:
Subject to funds remaining available the Welsh Government will reimburse any additional insurance costs relating to the hire of a visiting pod under this pilot scheme for up to 26 weeks.
This scheme is available to providers of adult care home services who have received a visiting pod sourced by the Welsh Government or who have hired a visiting pod on or after 23 November 2020 under the pilot scheme.
Additional insurance costs are those relating to the loss or damage of the visiting pod while in situ at the provider’s premises.
Access to the funds is on a first come first served basis until all funds are allocated.
Any insurance costs incurred to cover additional weeks beyond the 26 week period will be at the individual provider’s own expense.
Providers may only submit one claim for additional insurance costs for one visiting pod sourced by the Welsh Government or funded under the pilot scheme.
Providers remain liable for any insurance excess costs should a claim be made in relation to the visiting pod whilst in situ at their premises.
How to make a claim for insurance:
A provider wishing to make a claim must complete the form at the end of this letter and submit it to the Welsh Government via email to as soon as possible and by Friday 26 February.
Welsh Government care homes policy team will notify the provider of their claim outcome by email via
If claim is agreed and confirmed by the Welsh Government, the provider should submit the claim via the Local Authority alongside their normal monthly claim for the national uplift and any voids. The provider should provide the Local Authority with the agreed claim outcome email from the Welsh Government.
Yours sincerely,
ALBERT HEANEY Deputy Director General
CC: Local Authority Directors of Social Services
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